Report / Technical

Information and source material on gemstone identification and valuation


As part of the DFID-funded research project on small-scale gemstone miners (R7115) an information and training needs assessment was undertaken in Sri Lanka in 1999. Based upon the results of this study a specific training course was developed and implemented. The resulting information and source material for training is presented in this document. The content of the material was dictated by the list of topics requested by the small-scale miners as their key information and training needs. This information will provide small-scale miners with a greater understanding of the value a gem can obtain and will arm them with the knowledge they need to ensure that the prices they attain for their gems are a fair reflection of the end market value of that gem. The material is intended as a tool to raise awareness of the wider chain into which their gem mining activity fits rather than as a detailed procedural manual allowing miners to add value to the gems themselves