Research support

Nutrition survey in the village of Bafwaboli, near Kisangani - DRC Photo: Axel Fassio/CIFOR.

Whether you are doing research, writing policy or designing programs, the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform offers a system of resources and support that can help you find the best ways to achieve impact on gender equality, social inclusion and opportunities for youth.

Working papers

The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform publishes a working paper series to share emerging gender research insights and results with agriculture and food systems researchers in the CGIAR and beyond.

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Evidence explainers

Our evidence explainers are short, accessible summaries of notable gender research fit for fast consumption. Each explainer presents recommendations,  implications and conclusions of use to development practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and others working with gender in food systems. Gaps in evidence, possible weaknesses and new areas to be investigated in future research are also highlighted.

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We curate publications on gender and related topics from a number of sources within and beyond CGIAR. You can search for keywords and sort publications by type and topic.

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Tools, methods and manuals

Our collection is intended to offer researchers, development practitioners, policy makers, community organizers and others the opportunity to search for and learn about tools, methods, frameworks and manuals for integrating gender perspectives into agricultural and food systems research and programs.

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As experts in their field, CGIAR gender researchers represent an important resource for anyone working on gender in food systems. We welcome you to contact and of them for information, resources and updates. Explore the map, to find the colleague closest to you or your project.

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Dgroups: virtual GENDER community

Dgroups is a space for people working on gender in and around CGIAR to exchange ideas and resources.

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The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform hosts webinars, events and bi-annual conferences to bring together gender scientists and other stakeholders. Our aim is to share research findings, exchange knowledge and build alliances to kick-start a process of genuine change toward greater gender equality and better lives for smallholder farmers everywhere.

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Training opportunities

We have collated a selection of courses offered by highly reputable international institutions and designed for researchers, students, development practitioners and others looking to boost their knowledge and skills on gender in food systems.

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The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform's bi-monthly newsletter shares updates, insights and research on gender equality, youth and social inclusion from across CGIAR.

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