
Scientific Publication

Experiencia regional con Centrosema: América Central y México

Argel M., Pedro J.; Peralta Martínez, Armando; Pizarro, Esteban A. 1997. Experiencia regional con Centrosema : América Central y México. In: Schultze-Kraft, Rainer; Clements, R.J.; Keller-Grein, Gerhard. (eds.). Centrosema: Biología, agronomía y utilización. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 427-454. (Publicación CIAT no. 208)
Revolutionizing smallholder irrigation in Africa

Revolutionizing smallholder irrigation in Africa

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2019. Revolutionizing smallholder irrigation in Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 4p. (IWMI Success Stories 024) doi: 10.5337/2019.004
SARD-SC Annual Report 2013
Report / Annual

SARD-SC Annual Report 2013

Support to Agricultural Research for Development of Strategic Crops in Africa. (2014). Annual Report 2013 (p. 32). Ibadan: IITA.
Poster / Presentation

Biotechnology for food security and poverty alleviation: The livestock perspective.

Bishop, R., Okeyo, A.M., Ojango, J. and I. Okike. 2010. Biotechnology for food security and poverty alleviation: The livestock perspective. Presented at the Open Forum for Agricultural Biotechnology organized by the National Agricultural Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), Abuja, Nigeria, 30 September 2010. Nairobi: ILRI
Scientific Publication

The linkages between agriculture and malaria

Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo et al., 'The linkages between agriculture and malaria', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2009
Gender and age gaps in voice & agency in community governance: The value of female local political representation in India and Africa South of the Sahara under intensifying conflicts and climate uncertainty

Gender and age gaps in voice & agency in community governance: The value of female local political representation in India and Africa South of the Sahara under intensifying conflicts and climate uncertainty

Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Kyle, Jordan; Kosec, Katrina; and Raghunathan, Kalyani. 2024. Gender and age gaps in voice & agency in community governance: The value of female local political representation in India and Africa South of the Sahara under intensifying conflicts and climate uncertainty. Policy Note August 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.