
Scientific Publication

Changing policy trends in the emergence of Bolivia's Brazil nut sector

Cronkleton, P., Pacheco, P. 2010. Changing policy trends in the emergence of Bolivia's Brazil nut sector . In: Laird, S.A., McLain, R. and Wynberg, R.P. (eds.). Wild product governance: finding policies that work for non-timber forest products. :15-41. London, UK, Earthscan. ISBN: 9781844075003..

Ethiopia country brief

Warren, Andrea, 'Ethiopia country brief', Transform Nutrition, Brighton, UK, 2016
Scientific Publication

Power and Resources within the Household: Overview

Quisumbing, Agnes, 'Power and Resources within the Household: Overview', In Household decisions, gender, and development: a synthesis of recent research. Quisumbing, Agnes R., ed. Chapter 2. Pp. 19-22, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2003

IFPRI South Asia Regional Office 2013

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 'IFPRI South Asia Regional Office 2013', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013
Scientific Publication

The Limits of Globalizing Basel Banking Standards

Emily Jones, Alexandra O. Zeitz; The Limits of Globalizing Basel Banking Standards, Journal of Financial Regulation, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1 March 2017, Pages 89–124,
Scientific Publication

The Nexus Land-Use model version 1.0, an approach articulating biophysical potentials and economic dynamics to model competition for land-use

Souty, F.; Brunelle, T.; Dumas, P.; Dorin, B.; Ciais, P.; Crassous, R.; Muller, C.; Bondeau, A. The Nexus Land-Use model version 1.0, an approach articulating biophysical potentials and economic dynamics to model competition for land-use. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (2012) 5 (1) 571-638. (DOI: 10.5194/gmdd-5-571-2012)

Lessons and Insights from CCAFS Results-Based Management Trial

Schuetz, T.; Förch, W.; Schubert, C.; Thornton, P.; Cramer, L. Lessons and Insights from CCAFS Results-Based Management Trial. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark (2014) 4 pp