
Adoption of agricultural intensification options for increasing productivity of farmers in semiarid of West Africa

Adoption of agricultural intensification options for increasing productivity of farmers in semiarid of West Africa

Ajeigbe, H A and Angarawai, I I and Motagi, B N and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M and Kunihya, A and Kamara, A Y (2015) Adoption of agricultural intensification options for increasing productivity of farmers in semiarid of West Africa. In: 1st Annual Conference Proceedings of the African Society of Agronomy, Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences (ASACSES), November 02-05, 2015, Abuja, Nigeria
Scientific Publication

Synopsis, Diet transformation in Ethiopia

Worku, Ibrahim; Dereje, Mekdim; Minten, Bart, 'Synopsis, Diet transformation in Ethiopia', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI), Washington, D.C.; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015
Scientific Publication

Climate change and Egypt’s agriculture

Perez, Nicostrato et al., 'Climate change and Egypt’s agriculture', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
Scientific Publication

Should we be treating animal schistosomiasis in Africa?

Gower C, Vince L, Webster J (2017). Should we be treating animal schistosomiasis in Africa? The need for a One Health economic evaluation of schistosomiasis control in people and their livestock. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 111(6): 244-247
Scientific Publication

Does Management Matter? Evidence from India

Bloom, N.; Eifert, B.; Aprajit Mahajan; McKenzie, D.; Roberts, J. Does Management Matter? Evidence from India. Quarterly Journal of Economics 128 (1) 1-51. (DOI: 10.1093/qje/qjs044)
Scientific Publication

Malawi’s Milk Bulking Groups

Thomson, S.; Barnes, A.; Chagunda, M.; Chitika, R.; Chiumia, D.; Kawonga, B. Malawi’s Milk Bulking Groups. Presented at the ESRC Festival Event 'Malawi: building a sustainable dairy farming sector' 4 November 2013, Edinburgh Botanic Garden. (2013) 1 pp
Report / Case study

Résumé des résultats des enquêtes de base niveau ménage: site de Tougou, Burkina Faso. (Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Tougou, Burkina Faso)

Somé, L.; Sissoko, K.; Zougmoré, R.; Traoré, B.; Amadou, M.;. Moussa,A.S.; Forch, W.; Garlick, C.; Ochieng, S.; Kristjanson, P.; Thornton, P.K. Résumé des résultats des enquêtes de base niveau ménage: site de Tougou, Burkina Faso. (Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Tougou, Burkina Faso). CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark (2011) 23 pp
Domestication of Lima beans: a new look at an old problem
Poster / Presentation

Domestication of Lima beans: a new look at an old problem

Motta-Aldana, J.R.; Serrano-Serrano, M.L.; Hernández Torres, J.; Castillo-Villamizar, G.; Debouck, D.G.; Chacón S., M.I. (2008) Domestication of lima beans: a new look at an old problem. Invited conference at the Harlan II Symposium on the domestication of crop plants and domestic animals. 15 September, 2008. Davis, California, USA. 24s.
Scientific Publication

Useful myths and intractable truths: the politics of the links between forests and water in Central America

Kaimowitz, D. 2004. Useful myths and intractable truths: the politics of the links between forests and water in Central America . In: M. Bonell and L.A. Bruijnzeel (eds.). Forests, water and people in the humid tropics: past, present, and future hydrological research for integrated land and water management. :86-98. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0-521-82953-4..
Report / Case study

India Country report

Vinay Rustagi and Mridul Chadha (2020) India Country report. Energy and Economic Growth (EGG) Programme