

Interview to farmer

Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), 'Interview to farmer', CIMMYT, 2017
Yuca: Control integrado de plagas
Book / Monograph

Yuca: Control integrado de plagas

Reyes, J.A (comp.). 1983. Yuca: Control integrado de plagas . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Programa de Yuca, Cali, CO. 362 p.
Uso de marcadores SNPs y SSR para la evaluación de flujo de genes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Poster / Presentation

Uso de marcadores SNPs y SSR para la evaluación de flujo de genes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Pérez, J.; Fory Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda; Velasquez, A.; Duque, S.; Herrera, P.; Calle, F.; Morante, N.; Duque, M.; Ceballos, H.; Roca , W.; Tohme, Joseph M.; Gallego, Gerardo J. 2012. Uso de marcadores SNPs y SSR para la evaluación de flujo de genes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz).. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) and Lac-Biosafety: Latin America Multi-Country capacity building for compliance with the Cartagena protocol on Biosafety Brazil - Colombia - Perú - Costa Rica, Cali, CO. 1 p.
Climate-Resilient Agriculture in The Philippines: Climate Risk Profile, Mindanao

Climate-Resilient Agriculture in The Philippines: Climate Risk Profile, Mindanao

Giles, J.; Macandog, P.B.; Sova, C.; Digal, L.; Balgos, C.; Loquias, M.; Orbeta, M.L.; Astronomo, I.J.T.; Palao, L. K.; Balanza, J.G.; Hildebrand, J.; Grosjean, G. (2019) Climate-Resilient Agriculture in The Philippines: Climate Risk Profile, Mindanao. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Department of Agriculture - Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture, Government of the Philippines; The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Manila, Philippines. 31 p.
Scientific Publication

Empowering Women and Building Sustainable Food Systems: A Case Study of Cuba's Local Agricultural Innovation Project

Benítez Barbara, Nelson Erin, Romero Sarduy María Isabel, Ortíz Pérez Rodobaldo, Crespo Morales Anaisa, Casanova Rodríguez Caridad, Campos Gómez Maybe, Méndez Bordón Aliek, Martínez Massip Annia, Hernández Beltrán Yaima, Daniels Jordan. 2020. Empowering Women and Building Sustainable Food Systems: A Case Study of Cuba's Local Agricultural Innovation Project. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 19 November 2020. Volume 4.

Scientific Publication

CGIAR research program on dryland systems

Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 'CGIAR research program on dryland systems', In Atlas of African agriculture research and development: Revealing agriculture's place in Africa. Sebastian, Kate, Ed. Pp. 10-11, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2014