Markets and value chains

Hung Nguyen, ILRI food system specialist, visiting Dong Xa Market. C. de Bode/CGIAR

Rural people working informally in agriculture—many of whom are women—are the most vulnerable to climate, health, economic, political and security shocks.

But, women entrepreneurs can help revitalize rural economies, increase food security and boost economic growth.

At the same time, entrepreneurship—especially in collectives or cooperatives—offers women a path toward their economic empowerment.

Enhancing the entrepreneurial and technical skills and networks of women, young people and other excluded groups will nurture their capabilities, voice and leadership potential in food systems.


How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? Findings from a novel mixed-methods approach for understanding intrahousehold decision-making
Working Paper

How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #16

Cole, S., Ferguson, N., Heckert, J., Mwakanyamale, D., Seymour, G., Feleke, S., Fischer, G., John, I., Lija, Z., Nyaa, M., and Zacharia, H. 2023. How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? Findings from a novel mixed-methods approach for understanding intrahousehold decision-making. CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #016. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.