
Dataset / Tabular

Yield Map Cotton, 2015

Biradar, Chandrashekhar; Loew, Fabian; Fliemann, Elisabeth, 2021, "Yield Map Cotton, 2015",, MELDATA, V3
Mediterranean firs (Abies spp)
Training Material

Mediterranean firs (Abies spp)

Bioversity International; Alizoti, P.G. ; Fady, B.; Prada, M.A.; Vendramin, G.G. (2011) Mediterranean firs (Abies spp). EUFORGEN Technical Guidelines for Genetic Conservation and Use 6 p. ISBN: 978-92-9043-827-4
Scientific Publication

Health Workers: Building and Motivating the Workforce

In: Alleyne ,G.; Breman, J.; Claeson, M.; Evans, D.; Jamison, D.; Jha, P.; Measham, A.; Mills ,A.; Musgrove, P. (eds), Disease control priorities in developing countries, second edition, World Bank and OUP, chp 71, pp 1309-1322, ISBN: 0-8213-6179-1, 2006
Scientific Publication

Decent work in global production networks: Framing the policy debate

Barrientos, S.; Mayer, F.; Pickles, J.; Posthuma, A. Decent work in global production networks: Framing the policy debate. International Labour Review (2011) 150 (3-4) 297-317. (Special feature on ‘Decent work in global production networks’) (DOI: 10.1111/j.1564-913X.2011.00118.x)
Scientific Publication

Is there a correlation between malaria incidence and IRS coverage in western Zambezi region, Namibia?

Mumbengegwi DR, Sturrock H, Hsiang M, Roberts K, Kleinschmidt I, Nghipumbwa M, Uusiku P, Smith J, Bennet A, Kizito W, Takarinda K, Ade S, Gosling R. Is there a correlation between malaria incidence and IRS coverage in western Zambezi region, Namibia? Public Health Action (Internet). 2018 Apr 25 (cited 2018 Jun 25);8(1):44–9. Available from: