
Scientific Publication

Glomerular dysfunction and associated risk factors through four years following initiation of ART in adults with HIV infection in Africa in the DART trial

Reid, A.; Stohr, W.; Walker, A.S.; Hakim, J; Ssali, F; Munderi, P; Lutwama, F; Kityo, C.; Grosskurth, H.; Gilks, C.F.; Gibb, D.M. Glomerular dysfunction and associated risk factors through four years following initiation of ART in adults with HIV infection in Africa in the DART trial. Presented at the 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-22 July 2009. (2009) 1 pp
Scientific Publication

Formal Perceptions of Informal Justice

In: Amita Singh and Nasir Aslam Zahid (eds) Strengthening Governance through Access to Justice, New Delhi, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, ISBN :978-81-203-3697-1, pp. 52-64
Scientific Publication

The relationship between socio-economic status and malaria: a review of the literature

Worrall, E.; Basu, S.; Hanson, K. The relationship between socio-economic status and malaria: a review of the literature. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK (2003) 56 pp. (HEFP working paper 01/03) (Background paper prepared for “Ensuring that malaria control interventions reach the poor”, London, UK, 5-6 September 2002)
Scientific Publication

The Dynamics of Policy Change: Health Care Financing In South Africa, 1994-1999

Gilson, L.; Doherty, J.; McIntyre, D.; Thomas, S.; Brijlal, V.; Bowa, C.; Mbatsha S. The Dynamics of Policy Change: Health Care Financing In South Africa, 1994-1999. Monograph No 66, Johannesburg: Centre for Health Policy, University of Witwatersrand/Cape Town: Health Economics Unit, University of Cape Town (1999)