
Poster / Presentation

Cost effectiveness analysis of participatory disease surveillance in Kenya

Hannah, H., Kimani, T., Grace, D. and Randolph, T. 2012. Cost effectiveness analysis of participatory disease surveillance in Kenya. Poster presented at the 13th conference of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 20-24 August 2012. Durban, South Africa: International Symposium for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Scientific Publication

Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms

Hidrobo, Melissa; Mueller, Valerie; Roy, Shalini, 'Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 104(2), pp. 550-568, Wiley, 2022
Scientific Publication

Participatory water governance: lessons from the Ferghana Valley

Kazbekov, Jusipbek; Manthrithilake, Herath; Mirzaev, N.; Wegerich, Kai; Jumaboev, Kahramon; Anarbekov, Oyture. 2010. Participatory water governance: lessons from the Ferghana Valley. In Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Practical Conference on Efficient Agricultural Water Use and Tropical Issues in Land Reclamation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 10-11 November 2010. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: International Water Management Institute; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (SANIIRI). pp.36-43.
Poster / Presentation

Water and Gender Research

CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems. 2014. Water and Gender Research. Amman, Jordan: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems.