
Report / Case study

Gender, agriculture, and assets project (GAAP)

Gonsalves J. 2013. A new relevance and better prospects for wider uptake of social learning within CGIAR. CCAFS Working Paper no. 37. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Abbreviated Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (A-WEIA). Project results for “His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households”.

The Abbreviated Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (A-WEIA). Project results for “His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households”.

Muriel, J.; Twyman, J.; Useche, P.; Lopera, D.C.; Gonzalez, C.; and Talsma, E.F. (2019). The Abbreviated Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (A-WEIA). Project results for “His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households”. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali, Colombia. 5p.

Gender and forests in Nicaragua's autonomous regions: Legal architecture

Mairena, E., Lorio, G., Hernández, X., Wilson, C., Müller, P., Larson, A.M. . 2012. Gender and forests in Nicaragua's autonomous regions : Legal architecture. CIFOR Infobrief No. 55. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Gender Impact of MGNREGA: Evidence from 10 Selected Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) Villages in India

Gender Impact of MGNREGA: Evidence from 10 Selected Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) Villages in India

Viswanathan, P K and Mishra, R N and Bhattarai, M (2014) Gender Impact of MGNREGA: Evidence from 10 Selected Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) Villages in India. In: Presentation in the wrokshop titled ‘Flagship program: impact, Problem, and Challenges ahead’, 19-21 November 2014, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hydearbad,. (Submitted)
Scientific Publication

Gender and resilience

Kumar, Neha; Quisumbing, Agnes, 'Gender and resilience', In Resilience for food and nutrition security. Eds. Fan, Shenggen; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul and Yosef, Sivan. Chapter 17. Pp. 155-168., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2014
Scientific Publication

An Assessment of Gender Sensitive Adaptation Options to Climate Change in Smallholder Areas of Zimbabwe, Using Climate Analogue Analysis

Musiyiwa, K and Leal Filho, W and Nyamangara, J and Harris, D (2015) An Assessment of Gender Sensitive Adaptation Options to Climate Change in Smallholder Areas of Zimbabwe, Using Climate Analogue Analysis. In: Adapting African Agriculture to Climate Change: Transforming Rural Livelihoods. Climate Change Management book series (CCM) . Springer, pp. 109-117. ISBN 978-3-319-38592-1