
Upscaling cassava processing machines and products in Liberia
Scientific Publication

Upscaling cassava processing machines and products in Liberia

Awoyale, W., Asiedu, R., Kawalawu, W.K., Kolawole, P., Diallo, T.A., Edet, M. & Adetunji, M. (2020). Upscaling cassava processing machines and products in Liberia. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 12(1), 1-7.
Scientific Publication

Land registration, governance, and development:

Deininger, Klaus; Feder, Gershon, 'Land registration, governance, and development:', The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 24(2), pp. 233-266, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2009
Scientific Publication

Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by maize as affected by particulate organic matter quality, soil characteristics, and landuse history for soils from the West African moist savanna zone

Vanlauwe, B., Aihou, K., Tossah, S., Aman, B.K., Diels, J., Lyasse, O., … & Merckx, R. (2000). Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by maize as affected by particulate organic matter quality, soil characteristics, and land-use history for soils from the West African moist savanna zone. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30, 440-449.
Scientific Publication

Public investment, growth, and rural poverty

Fan, Shenggen; Rao, Neetha, 'Public investment, growth, and rural poverty', In Public expenditures, growth, and poverty in developing countries: Lessons from developing countries, ed. Shenggen Fan. Chapter 3. Pp. 56-108., Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2008
Scientific Publication

Development and Evaluation of Self-propelled Multicrop Planter for Hill Agriculture

Hijam Jiten Singh et al., 'Development and Evaluation of Self-propelled Multicrop Planter for Hill Agriculture', Journal of Agricultural Engineering, vol. 51(2), 1-8, Singh, Hijam Jiten, De, Dipankar Sahoo, P.K. and Iquebal, M.A. (2014). Development and Evaluation of Self-propelled Multicrop Planter for Hill Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Engineering 51 (2), 1-8, 2014
Dataset / Tabular

Food Trees Endline Surveys Data Collection Tools

McMullin, Stepha;Njogu, Ken;Wekesa, Brendah;Ngethe, Eric, 2020, "Food Trees Endline Surveys Data Collection Tools",, World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository, V1, UNF:6:VkThBJPX8Su5WGwplpcYsw== [fileUNF]