
Scientific Publication

Managing the unreliability of canal water: case study of diggies in Rajasthan

Amarasinghe, Upali; Bhaduri, Anik; Singh, O. P.; Anand, B. K. 2007. Managing the unreliability of canal water: case study of diggies in Rajasthan. In National Workshop on National River Linking Project of India: analysis of hydrological, social and ecological issues, Delhi, India, 9-10 October 2007. 22p.
Scientific Publication

Selecting the appropriate management strategy

Murray-Rust, H. 1988. Selecting the appropriate management strategy. In Asian Regional Symposium on the Modernization and Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Schemes held at the Development Academy of the Philippines, 13-15 February 1989: Vol. II - Discussions and special lectures. Wallingford, UK: Hydraulics Research Ltd. pp.81-98.
Scientific Publication

Managing brackish groundwater for sustainable crop production: Evidence from Pakistan

Qureshi, Asad Sarwar. 2006. Managing brackish groundwater for sustainable crop production: Evidence from Pakistan. Paper presented at the Workshop on The use of brackish water in agriculture and aquaculture: Seeking the future - organized by the Egyptian-Dutch Advisory Panel on Water Management, Cairo, 2-5 December 2006. 16p.
Scientific Publication

Revitalisation of irrigation tanks in Rajasthan

Raju, K. V.; Shah, T. 2000. Revitalisation of irrigation tanks in Rajasthan. Economic and Political Weekly, Bangalore, India: Institute for Social and Economic Change. 35p.; 25(23):1930-1936. (ISEC working paper 52)