
Scientific Publication

At what scale does water saving really save water?

Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din; Giordano, Mark; Turral, Hugh; Masih, Ilyas; Masood, Zubair. 2007. At what scale does water saving really save water? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 62(2):29A-35A.
Scientific Publication

Nutrient loss and the on-site cost of soil erosion under different land use systems

Sukristiyonubowo; Watung, R. L.; Vadari, T.; Agus, F. 2003. Nutrient loss and the on-site cost of soil erosion under different land use systems. In Maglinao, Amado R.; Valentin, Christian; Penning de Vries, Frits (Eds.). From soil research to land and water management: Harmonizing people and nature � Proceedings of the IWMI-ADB Project Annual Meeting and 7th MSEC Assembly. Bangkok, Thailand: IWMI. pp.151-164.
Scientific Publication

Using state-of-the art RS and GIS for monitoring waterlogging and salinity

Asif, S.; Ahmad, Mobin-ud -Din. 2002. Using state-of-the art RS and GIS for monitoring waterlogging and salinity. In IPTRID, Pakistan � Development of a Research Programme in Irrigation and Drainage: Proceedings of a roundtable meeting, Lahore, Pakistan, 10-11 November 2000. Rome, Italy: IPTRID. pp.81-91.
Scientific Publication

National River Linking Project: analyses of hydrological, social and ecological issues: overview of the workshop proceedings

Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Sharma, Bharat R. 2008. National River Linking Project: analyses of hydrological, social and ecological issues: overview of the workshop proceedings. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Sharma, Bharat R. (Eds.) Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, New Delhi, India, 9-10 October 2007. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.ix-xxiii.
Scientific Publication

Managing transboundary waters in extreme environments: the role of international actors in Africa

Giordano, Mark; Lautze, Jonathan. 2009. Managing transboundary waters in extreme environments: the role of international actors in Africa. In Lipchin, C.; Sandler, D.; Cushman, E. (Eds.). The Jordan River and Dead Sea Basin: cooperation amid conflict. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.113-138. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - C: Environmental Security)
Scientific Publication

Sedimentation and desiltation of minor tanks

Dharmasena, P. B. 1995. Sedimentation and desiltation of minor tanks. In Haq, K. A.; Wijayaratne, C. M.; Samarasekera, B. M. S. (Eds.), Summaries of papers presented at Irrigation Research Management Unit seminar series during 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.11.
Scientific Publication

Discussant's note

Saleth, Rathinasasmy Maria. 2003. Discussant�s note. In Pal, S.; Mruthyunjaya; Joshi, P. K.; Saxena, R. (Eds.). Institutional change in Indian agriculture. New Delhi, India: National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research. pp.175-180.
Scientific Publication

Environmental flow assessment: recent examples from Sri Lanka

Dissanayake, Priyanka; Weragala, Neelanga; Smakhtin, Vladimir. 2010. Environmental flow assessment: recent examples from Sri Lanka. In Evans, Alexandra; Jinapala, K. (Eds). Proceedings of the National Conference on Water, Food Security and Climate Change in Sri Lanka, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-11 June 2009. Vol. 2. Water quality, environment and climate change. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.23-35.

Wastewater agriculture in Kurunegala City, Sri Lanka

Jayakody, Priyantha; Gunawardana, I.; Guneratne, S.; Clemett, Alexandra; Dissanayake, Priyanka. 2007. Wastewater agriculture in Kurunegala City, Sri Lanka. Unpublished project report produced as part of the Wastewater Agriculture and Sanitation For Poverty Alleviation in Asia (WASPA Asia) 22p. + annexes. (WASPA Asia Project Report 8)

Human health impacts related to water, sanitation and climate change

Medlicott, K.; De France, J.; Villalobos-Prats, E.; Gordon, B.; Graczyk, H.; Zandaryaa, S.; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Hada, R.; Caucci, S.; Smakhtin, V.; Pories, L. 2020. Human health impacts related to water, sanitation and climate change. In UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP); UN-Water. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: water and climate change. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.68-77.

Water flume meters (WFM) for Water Users Association Project

Manthrithilake, Herath; Jumaboev, Kahramon; Yakubov, Murat. 2008. Water flume meters (WFM) for Water Users Association Project. Draft final project report, 15. 11. 2007 - 31. 10. 2008, coordinated with Scientific Information Centre (SIC) and submitted to Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) 60p.

Productivity and sustainability of irrigated agriculture: a comprehensive performance assessment system - Methodology and application in the Chishtian Sub-Division, Fordwah Branch Canal Irrigation System, Pakistan. Draft inception report

International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) - Headquarters; International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) - Pakistan; Punjab Irrigation Department (PID); Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). 1995. Productivity and sustainability of irrigated agriculture: a comprehensive performance assessment system - Methodology and application in the Chishtian Sub-Division, Fordwah Branch Canal Irrigation System, Pakistan. Draft inception report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). 41p. + annexes.