
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • Dataset / Tabular

    Raw data for Nibouche et al. (2021) 'Morphometric and molecular discrimination of the sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner, 1897), and the sorghum aphid Melanaphis sorghi (Theobald, 1904)': Données brutes de l'article 'Séparation morphologique et moléculaire de Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner, 1897) et Melanaphis sorghi (Theobald, 1904)'

    Nibouche, Samuel; Zoogones, Anne-Sophie; Moretti, Sandro, 2020, "Raw data for Nibouche et al. (2021) 'Morphometric and molecular discrimination of the sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner, 1897), and the sorghum aphid Melanaphis sorghi (Theobald, 1904)'",, CIRAD Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:1Vaz832FO2h3grsNIrJanQ== [fileUNF]
  • Poster / Presentation

    Women's empowerment to gender transformative change in agri-food systems in Fiji

    Nath, Radhisha Shivnal; Alam, Mumtaz. 2023. Women's empowerment to gender transformative change in agri-food systems in Fiji. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Fiji National University
  • Zoonoses and food safety related activities in APHCA member states
    Poster / Presentation

    Zoonoses and food safety related activities in APHCA member states

    Gilbert, J. 2013. Zoonoses and food safety related activities in APHCA member states. Presented at the joint Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) - World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) regional workshop on Zoonoses, Food-borne Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance, Thimphu, Bhutan, 24-25 September 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
  • Dataset / Tabular

    11.6-CASI Impact story-SRFSI Project-ACIAR-CIMMYT

    Gathala, Mahesh K.; Tiwari, Thakur P.; Islam, Saiful; Md. Ashraf Ali; Maharjan, Sofina; Das, Santu; Gerard, Bruno; Chowdhury, Apurba K.; Bhattacharya, Prateek M.; Das, K.K.; Dhar, Tapamay; Pradhan, K.; Sinha, A.K.; Ghosh, Arunava; Mitra, B.; Chattopadhyay, C.; Sen, Sujan K.; Chatteerjee, Rajat; Ghosh, D.; Manbendra, T Sarkar; Bhatt, B.P.; Kumar, Ujjwal; Kumar, Ramesh; Rao, Koteswara; Khan, A.S.M.; Anwar, Mazharul; Hossain, Illias; Siddique, Nur-E-A; Hossain, Akbar; Hossain, Shakhawat; Shamim; Rashid, Mamunur; Islam, Rashadul; Ghosh, Anup K.; Hossain, Zakir; Al Mamun, Abdulla; Kumar, Sanjay; Kumar, Ranveer; Datt, Ram; Dutta, S.K.; Tomar, J.B.; Singh, A.K.; Shrestha, Renuka; Chaudhary, B.; Shrestha, H.K.; Manandhar, S.; Paneru, Prakesh; Adhikari, S.; Shrestha, Shukra Raj; Jha, S.K.; Thapa Magar, D.B.; Acharya, U.; Sapkota, B.; Pandey, Kanchan R.; Chaube, R.; Thakur, P.; Colvito, L.; Pradhan, Komal; Mishra, G.; JEEViKA; Sakhi; Joshi, P.K.; Avinash, K.; Fraser, S.; Sanjiv, S. de; Saikia, P.; Brown, Peter; Gaydon, Don; Laing, Alison; Darbas, Toni; Poulton, Perry; Rubzen, Fay R.; Prior, Roy; Dalal, R.; Menzies, N.; Prior, Julian; McDonald, Andrew, 2018, "11.6-CASI Impact story-SRFSI Project-ACIAR-CIMMYT",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V2
  • Dataset / Tabular

    13-Journal paper publication

    Gathala, Mahesh K.; Tiwari, Thakur P.; Islam, Saiful; Md. Ashraf Ali; Maharjan, Sofina; Das, Santu; Gerard, Bruno; Chowdhury, Apurba K.; Bhattacharya, Prateek M.; Das, K.K.; Dhar, Tapamay; Pradhan, K.; Sinha, A.K.; Ghosh, Arunava; Mitra, B.; Chattopadhyay, C.; Sen, Sujan K.; Chatteerjee, Rajat; Ghosh, D.; Manbendra, T Sarkar; Bhatt, B.P.; Kumar, Ujjwal; Kumar, Ramesh; Rao, Koteswara; Khan, A.S.M.; Anwar, Mazharul; Hossain, Illias; Siddique, Nur-E-A; Hossain, Akbar; Hossain, Shakhawat; Shamim; Rashid, Mamunur; Islam, Rashadul; Ghosh, Anup K.; Hossain, Zakir; Al Mamun, Abdulla; Kumar, Sanjay; Kumar, Ranveer; Datt, Ram; Dutta, S.K.; Tomar, J.B.; Singh, A.K.; Shrestha, Renuka; Chaudhary, B.; Shrestha, H.K.; Manandhar, S.; Paneru, Prakesh; Adhikari, S.; Shrestha, Shukra Raj; Jha, S.K.; Thapa Magar, D.B.; Acharya, U.; Sapkota, B.; Pandey, Kanchan R.; Chaube, R.; Thakur, P.; Colvito, L.; Pradhan, Komal; Mishra, G.; JEEViKA; Sakhi; Joshi, P.K.; Avinash, K.; Fraser, S.; Sanjiv, S. de; Saikia, P.; Brown, Peter; Gaydon, Don; Laing, Alison; Darbas, Toni; Poulton, Perry; Rubzen, Fay R.; Prior, Roy; Dalal, R.; Menzies, N.; Prior, Julian; McDonald, Andrew, 2020, "13-Journal paper publication",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1
  • Solomon Islands (Aqua)
    Poster / Presentation

    Solomon Islands (Aqua)

    WorldFish (2012). Solomon Islands (Aqua). 2012-21. The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malayia
  • Do empowered individuals make healthier food choices? An experimental analysis of men's and women's food choices among smallholder farming households in Guatemala
    Poster / Presentation

    Do empowered individuals make healthier food choices? An experimental analysis of men's and women's food choices among smallholder farming households in Guatemala

    Arora, Diksha. 2019. Do empowered individuals make healthier food choices? An experimental analysis of men's and women's food choices among smallholder farming households in Guatemala. Presented by Diksha Arora (International Center for Tropical Agriculture), as part of the Annual Scientific Conference hosted by the University of Canberra and co-sponsored by the University of Canberra, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Canberra, Australia, April 2-4, 2019. Cali: International Center for Tropical Agriculture
  • Challenging and transforming the social and gender norms through a wholistic PAR approach
    Poster / Presentation

    Challenging and transforming the social and gender norms through a wholistic PAR approach

    Caffery, Jo; Smeon, Lalen; Kurika, Kiteni; Kunjip, Brenaldi; Sawi, Joros. 2023. Challenging and transforming the social and gender norms through a wholistic PAR approach. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. University of Canberra