
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • El ñame en Colombia.
    Scientific Publication

    El ñame en Colombia.

    Escobar Arias, E.I.; Ruiz, R.; Maldonado, L. 2012. El ñame en Colombia. In: Thiele, G.; Quiros, C.A.; Ashby, J.; Hareau, G.; Rotondo, E.; Lopez, G.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Oros, R.; Arevalo, D.; Bentley, J. (eds.) Metodos participativos para la inclusion de los pequenos productores rurales en la innovacion agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la region andina 2007-2010. Lima (Peru). Programa Alianza Cambio Andino Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-417-4. pp. 121-131.
  • La papa nativa en norte Potosi, Bolivia.
    Scientific Publication

    La papa nativa en norte Potosi, Bolivia.

    Oros, R.; Rodriguez, F.; Gonzales, F.; Thiele, G. 2012. La papa nativa en norte Potosi, Bolivia. In: Thiele, G.; Quiros, C.A.; Ashby, J.; Hareau, G.; Rotondo, E.; Lopez, G.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Oros, R.; Arevalo, D.; Bentley, J. (eds.) Metodos participativos para la inclusion de los pequenos productores rurales en la innovacion agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la region andina 2007-2010. Lima (Peru). Programa Alianza Cambio Andino; Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-417-4. pp. 99-109.
  • Recuperacion, manejo y uso sostenible de la agrobiodiversidad en norte Potosi, Bolivia.
    Scientific Publication

    Recuperacion, manejo y uso sostenible de la agrobiodiversidad en norte Potosi, Bolivia.

    Polar, V.; Fernandez, J.; Fuentes, W.; Villarroel, T.; Ashby, J. ; Paz, R. 2012. Recuperacion, manejo y uso sostenible de la agrobiodiversidad en norte Potosi, Bolivia. In: Thiele, G.; Quiros, C.A.; Ashby, J.; Hareau, G.; Rotondo, E.; Lopez, G.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Oros, R.; Arevalo, D.; Bentley, J. (eds.) Metodos participativos para la inclusion de los pequenos productores rurales en la innovacion agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la region andina 2007-2010. Lima (Peru). Programa Alianza Cambio Andino Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-417-4. pp. 45-55.
  • Scientific Publication

    Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa: Seven Country Needs Assessments

    Mattia Fosci and Lucia Loffreda, (2019). Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa: A Synthesis Report. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Lennart Velten, Rob Johnson (2019) Research Capacity Strengthening in LMICs: Rapid Evidence Assessment. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Ethiopia. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Ghana. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Kenya. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Nigeria. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Rwanda . Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Tanzania. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Uganda. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting
  • Las papas nativas en Ecuador.
    Scientific Publication

    Las papas nativas en Ecuador.

    Lopez, J.; Perez, C.; Lopez, G.; Ruiz, R. 2012. Las papas nativas en Ecuador. In: Thiele, G.; Quiros, C.A.; Ashby, J. ; Hareau, G.; Rotondo, E.; Lopez, G.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Oros, R.; Arevalo, D.; Bentley, J. (eds.) Metodos participativos para la inclusion de los pequenos productores rurales en la innovacion agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la region andina 2007-2010. Lima (Peru). Programa Alianza Cambio Andino Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-417-4. pp. 133-141.
  • Scientific Publication

    Women and Protest Politics in Pakistan

    Khan, A.; Jawed A. and Qidwai, K. (2021) Women and Protest Politics in Pakistan, Gender & Development, 29:2-3, 391-410, DOI: 10.1080/13552074.2021.1981623
  • Scientific Publication

    Bridging the Intention-Behaviour Gap? The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment

    Abel, Martin, Rulof Burger, Eliana Carranza, and Patrizio Piraino. 2019. “Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap? The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11 (2): 284-301. Abel, Martin; Piraino, Patrizio; Burger, Rulof; Carranza, Eliana; Piraino, Patrizio. 2017. Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap? : The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment. Policy Research Working Paper;No. 8181. World Bank, Washington, DC
  • Advances in Amazonian Peatland Discrimination With Multi-Temporal PALSAR Refines Estimates of Peatland Distribution, C Stocks and Deforestation
    Scientific Publication

    Advances in Amazonian Peatland Discrimination With Multi-Temporal PALSAR Refines Estimates of Peatland Distribution, C Stocks and Deforestation

    Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., Grelik, S.L., Battaglia, M.J., Leisman, D.J., Chimner, R.A., Hribljan, J.A., Lilleskov, E.A., Draper, F.C., Zutta, B.R., Hergoualc’h, K., Bhomia, R.K. and Lähteenoja, O. 2021. Advances in Amazonian Peatland Discrimination With Multi-Temporal PALSAR Refines Estimates of Peatland Distribution, C Stocks and Deforestation. Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 676748.