
Mainstreaming gender-smart investing to accelerate the transformation of food systems under a changing climate: Strategies to unlock climate returns by leveraging gender equality

Mainstreaming gender-smart investing to accelerate the transformation of food systems under a changing climate: Strategies to unlock climate returns by leveraging gender equality

Aslam A, Vashist A, Cosgrove B, ter Braak-Forstinger C, Wollenberg E, Papp R, Newman R. 2021. Mainstreaming gender-smart investing to accelerate the transformation of food systems under a changing climate: Strategies to unlock climate returns by leveraging gender equality. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Sagana, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Working Paper

Manejo comunitario de la cacería y de la fauna: Avances realizados por la asociación de cazadores airumaküchi en Puerto Nariño, Amazonas Colombia

Sandrin, F., L'haridon, L., Vanegas, L., Ponta, N., Gómez, J., Cuellar, J.R., del Águila, E.L., Nates, J., Van Vliet, N.. 2016. Manejo comunitario de la cacería y de la fauna : Avances realizados por la asociación de cazadores airumaküchi en Puerto Nariño, Amazonas Colombia. CIFOR Working Paper No. 213. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
The participatory market chain approach: Experiences and results in four Andean cases.
Working Paper

The participatory market chain approach: Experiences and results in four Andean cases.

Horton, D.; Oros, R.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Lopez, G.; Velasco, C.; Rodriguez, F.; Escobar, E.; Rotondo, E.; Hareau, G.; Thiele, G. 2011. The participatory market chain approach: Experiences and results in four Andean cases. ima (Peru). International Potato Center (CIP). Social and Health Sciences. 107 p. Social Sciences Working Paper Series. no. 2011-1.
Book / Monograph

CITES, Carne de Monte y Medios de Vida: Evaluación rápida de la aplicación de la inclusión de especies de carne de monte en los apéndices de la CITES para los medios de subsistencia de las comunidades rurales de Colombia

Gómez, J., Restrepo, S., Moreno, J., Daza, E., Español, L.M,, Van Vliet, N.. 2016. CITES, Carne de Monte y Medios de Vida : Evaluación rápida de la aplicación de la inclusión de especies de carne de monte en los apéndices de la CITES para los medios de subsistencia de las comunidades rurales de Colombia. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Iron absorption from iron-biofortified sweetpotato is higher than regular sweetpotato in Malawian women while iron absorption from regular and iron-biofortified potatoes is high in Peruvian women
Scientific Publication

Iron absorption from iron-biofortified sweetpotato is higher than regular sweetpotato in Malawian women while iron absorption from regular and iron-biofortified potatoes is high in Peruvian women

Jongstra, R., Mwangi, M., Burgos, G., Zeder, C., Low, J.W., Mzembe, G., Liria, R., Penny, M., Andrade, M.I., Fairweather-Tait, S., Felde, T. zum, Campos, H., Phiri, K.S., Zimmermann, M., Wegmüller, R. (2020). Iron absorption from iron-biofortified sweetpotato is higher than regular sweetpotato in Malawian women while iron absorption from regular and iron-biofortified potatoes is high in Peruvian women. Journal of Nutrition. ISSN 1541-6100. Published online 13Nov2020.