
Scientific Publication

CAMPFIRE experiences in Zimbabwe

Campbell, B.M., Sithole, B., Frost, P. 2000. CAMPFIRE experiences in Zimbabwe . Science 287 (5450) :42-43.
Scientific Publication

Biofortified orange maize is as efficacious as a vitamin A supplement in Zambian children even in the presence of high liver reserves of vitamin A: a community-based, randomized placebo-controlled trial 1–6

Gannon, B.M et al., 'Biofortified orange maize is as efficacious as a vitamin A supplement in Zambian children even in the presence of high liver reserves of vitamin A: a community-based, randomized placebo-controlled trial 1–6', The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 100(6), pp. 1541-1550, Elsevier BV, 2014
Building organisational capacity for ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk reduction in the Lake Chilwa Basin
Scientific Publication

Building organisational capacity for ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk reduction in the Lake Chilwa Basin

Phalira, W. ; Nagoli, J. ; Kayambazinthu, D. ; Chiotha, S. (2018). Building organisational capacity for ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk reduction in the Lake Chilwa Basin. In: Chapter 7. Chiotha, S. ; Jamu, D. ; Nagoli, J. ; Likongwe, P. ; Chanyenga, T. (eds.) Socio-ecological resilience to climate change in a fragile ecosystem: The Case of the Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 134-150
Scientific Publication

Hydrological water availability, trends and allocation in the Blue Nile Basin

Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Wubet, F. D.; McCartney, Matthew; Shiferaw, Y. S. 2011. Hydrological water availability, trends and allocation in the Blue Nile Basin. In Melesse, A. M. (Ed.). Nile River Basin: hydrology, climate and water use. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.283-296.
Dataset / Tabular

Distribution and abundance of IAP in differents areas of La Reunion island from 1989 to 2023 according to method of Macdonald: s transecRepartition et abondance des plantes exotiques envahissantes sur différentt de 1989 à 2023 sur l'ile de La Réunion selon le protocole I.A.W. Macdonald

To use or reference, specify the following information: Piron, Anne; Ajaguin Soleyen, Cédric; Baret, Stephane; Becker-Scarpitta, Antoine; Flores, Olivier; L'Horset, Roxane; Strasberg, Dominique; Rouget, Mathieu, 2023, "Distribution and abundance of IAP in differents areas of La Reunion island from 1989 to 2023 according to method of Macdonald", CIRAD Dataverse
Magazine or Press item

Mapping sweet potato in Eastern Africa

Gichuki, Simon T.; Hijmans, Robert J., 'Mapping sweet potato in Eastern Africa', ICT Update, vol. 26, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2005
Magazine or Press item

Women and ICTs: Perception and attitude

Okello, Dorothy, 'Women and ICTs: Perception and attitude', ICT Update, vol. 68, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2012
Clínica de plantas na provínica de manica
Report / Case study

Clínica de plantas na provínica de manica

Simione, Catarina. 2018. Clínica de plantas na provínica de manica. IN: CTA, 2018. Capitalização de experiências: Lições para o desenvolvimento em Moçambique e no Brasil, volume 2. Experience Capitalization Series 5. Wageningen: CTA:42-46.
Scientific Publication

Developing an integrated intervention to address intimate partner violence and psychological distress in Congolese refugee women in Tanzania

Greene MC, Rees S, Likindikoki S, Bonz AG, Joscelyne A, Kaysen D, Nixon RDV, Njau T, Tankink MTA, Tiwari A, Ventevogel P, Mbwambo JKK, Tol WA. Developing an integrated intervention to address intimate partner violence and psychological distress in Congolese refugee women in Tanzania. Confl Health. 2019 Aug 17;13:38. doi: 10.1186/s13031-019-0222-0. PMID: 31428190; PMCID: PMC6697920
Report / Case study

The politics of humanitarianism: perspectives from South Sudan

D’Agoot, Majak, Daniel, Angelina, Koul Deng, Luka Biong, Deng, David, Duany, Julia, Madut Jok, Jok, Logo, Kuyang Harriet, Moro, Leben, Ninrew, James, Nyaba, Peter Adwok, Ochaya, Martin and Pagan, Matthew (2018) The politics of humanitarianism: perspectives from South Sudan. . London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Scientific Publication

Data Synthesis Paper

Duursma, Allard (2017) Data synthesis paper, July 2017. Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Scientific Publication

Integrating diverse methods to understand climate-land interactions in East Africa

Olson, J.M.; Alagarswamy, G.; Andresen, J.A.; Campbell, D.J.; Davis, A.Y.; Jianjun Ge; Huebner, M.; Lofgren, B.M.; Lusch, D.P.; Moore, N.J.; Pijanowski, B.C.; Jiaguo Qi; Thornton, P.K.; Torbick, N.M.; Jing Wang. 2008. Integrating diverse methods to understand climate-land interactions in East Africa. Geoforum 39(2):898-911.