
Designing gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions: accelerating the use of digital tools for delivering agronomic advice through a public-private partnership extension model in Rwanda

Designing gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions: accelerating the use of digital tools for delivering agronomic advice through a public-private partnership extension model in Rwanda

Ma, N., Kihiu, E., Lambrecht, I., Cole, S., Ragasa, C., Malit, J., ... & Mudereri, B.T. (2024). Designing gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions: accelerating the use of digital tools for delivering agronomic advice through a public-private partnership extension model in Rwanda. Study Report for the Smart Nkunganire System - Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Board Use Case. Nairobi, Kenya: IITA, (42 p.).
Gender and age gaps in voice & agency in community governance: The value of female local political representation in India and Africa South of the Sahara under intensifying conflicts and climate uncertainty

Gender and age gaps in voice & agency in community governance: The value of female local political representation in India and Africa South of the Sahara under intensifying conflicts and climate uncertainty

Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Kyle, Jordan; Kosec, Katrina; and Raghunathan, Kalyani. 2024. Gender and age gaps in voice & agency in community governance: The value of female local political representation in India and Africa South of the Sahara under intensifying conflicts and climate uncertainty. Policy Note August 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.
A decision support tool for potato late blight management: Assessing its usability for women farmers to achieve equitable impacts in the highlands of Peru
Scientific Publication

A decision support tool for potato late blight management: Assessing its usability for women farmers to achieve equitable impacts in the highlands of Peru

Pérez, W.; Kawarazuka, N.; Fonseca, C.; Andrade-Piedra, J. 2024. A decision support tool for potato late blight management: Assessing its usability for women farmers to achieve equitable impacts in the highlands of Peru, NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences. ISSN 2768-5241. 96(1).
IHR-PVS national bridging workshop for Somalia: An interactive and participatory approach for operationalizing the One Health roadmap
Scientific Publication

IHR-PVS national bridging workshop for Somalia: An interactive and participatory approach for operationalizing the One Health roadmap

Osman, A.Y., Saidouni, A., Wambua, L.W., Mahrous, H., Malik, S.M.M.R., Lubogo, M., Weerdt, R.V. de, Adam, A.H., Mohamed, H.H., Makhzoumi, K.A., Ali, G.A., Nur, M.O., Fevre, S., Mucheru, G., Njue, S., Mosindo, A.O., Sandhaus, K., Wigand, R.C., Standley, C., Sorrell, E., Kock, R., Guitian, J., Zumla, A., Dar, O. and Mor, S.M. 2024. IHR-PVS national bridging workshop for Somalia: An interactive and participatory approach for operationalizing the One Health roadmap. One Health 100858.
Value chain interventions for improving women's economic empowerment: A mixed‐methods systematic review and meta‐analysis: A systematic review
Scientific Publication

Value chain interventions for improving women's economic empowerment: A mixed‐methods systematic review and meta‐analysis: A systematic review

Malhotra, S. K., Mantri, S., Gupta, N., Bhandari, R., Armah, R. N., Alhassan, H., Young, S., White, H., Puskur, R., Waddington, H. S., & Masset, E. (2024). Value chain interventions for improving women's economic empowerment: A mixed‐methods systematic review and meta‐analysis: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20, e1428.
Scientific Publication

Staking claim to entitlements under MGNREGA: How can women make their demands?

Raghunathan, Kalyani; Kosec, Katrina; Kyle, Jordan; Narayanan, Sudha; and Ray, Soumyajit. 2024. Staking claim to entitlements under MGNREGA: How can women make their demands? The India Forum. First published online August 28, 2024.
Scientific Publication

Can Dairy Value-Chain Projects Change Gender Norms in Rural Bangladesh? Impacts on Assets, Gender Norms, and Time Use

Quisumbing, Agnes R. and Roy, Shalini and Njuki, Jemimah and Tanvin, Kakuly and Waithanji, Elizabeth, Can Dairy Value-Chain Projects Change Gender Norms in Rural Bangladesh? Impacts on Assets, Gender Norms, and Time Use (December 1, 2013). IFPRI Discussion Paper 01311, Available at SSRN: or