
Prácticas y experiencias de difusión de información, y el acceso y uso de los servicios agroclimáticos por parte de las mujeres rurales, los jóvenes y los pueblos indígenas en el contexto de las Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas en Guatemala

Prácticas y experiencias de difusión de información, y el acceso y uso de los servicios agroclimáticos por parte de las mujeres rurales, los jóvenes y los pueblos indígenas en el contexto de las Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas en Guatemala

Castillo Huertas, A.P.; Borrayo, A.; Bonilla, M.; Navarro Racines, C. (2024) Prácticas y experiencias de difusión de información, y el acceso y uso de los servicios agroclimáticos por parte de las mujeres rurales, los jóvenes y los pueblos indígenas en el contexto de las Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas en Guatemala. AgriLAC Resiliente Reporte 12 p.
Meeting each other halfway: institutionalizing community participation in integrated development plans and water services development plans in South Africa

Meeting each other halfway: institutionalizing community participation in integrated development plans and water services development plans in South Africa

van Koppen, Barbara; Nohayi, Ngowenani; Jacobs-Mata, Inga; Nortje, Karen. 2024. Meeting each other halfway: institutionalizing community participation in integrated development plans and water services development plans in South Africa. Synthesis report to the WRC Project No. C2020/2021-00538, titled ‘Institutionalizing Inclusive Community-led Planning of Water Supply in Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Water Services Development Plan (WSDP). Pretoria, South Africa: Water Research Commission (WRC). 82p. (WRC Report No. 3130/1/24)
Estándar regional para la implementación de proyectos de restauración de paisajes y ecosistemas con un enfoque de derechos, sensible al género e incluyente para los países del SICA
Training Material

Estándar regional para la implementación de proyectos de restauración de paisajes y ecosistemas con un enfoque de derechos, sensible al género e incluyente para los países del SICA

Paez Valencia, A.M.; Chavarro, M.; Moreno, M. (2024) Estándar regional para la implementación de proyectos de restauración de paisajes y ecosistemas con un enfoque de derechos, sensible al género e incluyente para los países del SICA. San Jose (Costa Rica): Alianza de Bioversity International y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). 26 p.
Theory of change for the dairy value chain in Uganda, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion

Theory of change for the dairy value chain in Uganda, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion

Ouma, E., Gebreyohanes, G., Mwai, O., Marshall, K., Lukuyu, B., Mukasa, C., Oba, P., Dione, M., Businge, M., Namatovu, J., Notenbaert, A., van der Hoek, R., Mourad, R. and Baltenweck, I. 2024. Theory of change for the dairy value chain in Uganda, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Online Sources

Networks that Transform: Mapping the National Interethnic Women's Network for Environmental Defense | A Participatory Exercise

Howland, Fanny Cecile; Gonzalez, Carlos Eduardo; Quintero, Diana Katherine; Casanova, Alexander Buritica; Salas, Daniela; and Urbano, Angélica. 2024. Networks that Transform: Mapping the National Interethnic Women's Network for Environmental Defense | A Participatory Exercise. CGIAR Blog.
Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso

Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso

Howland, F.; Blanco, M.; Pierce, D.; Lopera, D.; Buritica, A. (2024) Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso. Iniciativa de CGIAR sobre Políticas y Estrategias Nacionales Políticas en Síntesis. 24 p.
Overview: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
Poster / Presentation

Overview: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative

Kizito, F. and Lopez-Ridaura, S. 2022. Overview: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative. Presented at the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative Planning and Inception Meeting, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 31 May–2 June 2022. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
People need freshwater biodiversity
Scientific Publication

People need freshwater biodiversity

Lynch, A. J.; Cooke, S. J.; Arthington, A. H.; Baigun, C.; Bossenbroek, L.; Dickens, Chris; Harrison, I.; Kimirei, I.; Langhans, S. D.; Murchie, K. J.; Olden, J. D.; Ormerod, S. J.; Owuor, M.; Raghavan, R.; Samways, M. J.; Schinegger, R.; Sharma, S.; Tachamo-Shah, R.-D.; Tickner, D.; Tweddle, D.; Young, N.; Jahnig, S. C. 2023. People need freshwater biodiversity. WIREs Water, e1633. (Online first) [doi:]
Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network - Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes
Scientific Publication

Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network - Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes

Woodward-Greene, M.J., Kinser, J.M., Huson, H.J., Sonstegard, T.S., Soelkner, J., Vaisman, I.I., Boettcher, P., Masiga, C.W., Mukasa, C., Abegaz, S., Agaba, M., Ahmed, S.S., Maminiaina, O.F., Getachew, T., Gondwe, T.N., Haile, A., Hassan, Y., Kihara, A., Kouriba, A., Mruttu, H.A., Mujibi, D., Nandolo, W., Rischkowsky, B.A., Rosen, B.D., Sayre, B., Taela, M. and Van Tassell, C.P. 2023. Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network—Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes. Frontiers in Genetics 14:1200770.
Scientific Publication

Validation of Mobile Artificial Intelligence Technology–Assisted Dietary Assessment Tool Against Weighed Records and 24-Hour Recall in Adolescent Females in Ghana

Folson, Gloria; Kolt, Bastien; Arrieta, Alejandra; Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Gelli, Aulo; et al. 2023. Validation of Mobile Artificial Intelligence Technology–Assisted Dietary Assessment Tool Against Weighed Records and 24-Hour Recall in Adolescent Females in Ghana. Journal of Nutrition 153(8): 2328-2338.
Scientific Publication

Selection of marketable bean lines with improved resistance to angular leaf spot, root rot and yield potential for smallholder farmers in eastern and central Africa

Kimani, Paul M.; Buruchara, Robin A.; Muthamia, John G.N.; Mbikayi, Nkonko T.; Namayanja, Annet R.; Otsyula, Reuben M.; Blair, Matthew W. 2005. Selection of marketable bean lines with improved resistance to angular leaf spot, root rot and yield potential for smallholder farmers in eastern and central Africa [abstract]. In: General Meeting of Biotechnology, Breeding & Seed Systems for African Crops (2, 2005, Nairobi, Kenya). Biotechnology, breeding and seed systems for African crops: Abstracts. Rockefeller Foundation, Nairobi, KE. 1 p.
Scientific Publication

Biophysical factors affecting maize productivity of small-scale farming system under settlement schemes in North-East Zimbabwe

Monje, Coral; Cobo Borrero, Juan Guillermo; Dercon, Gerd; Cadisch, George; Delve, Robert J. 2007. Biophysical factors affecting maize productivity of small-scale farming system under settlement schemes in North-East Zimbabwe [abstract]. In: Deininger, Andreas; Hoffmann, Anne. (eds.). Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2007: Conference on international agricultural research for development, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen. University of Kassel, Centre for International Rural Development, Witzenhausen, DE. p. 1.