
Scientific Publication

Impacts of substituting spineless cactus pear for oat or lucerne green fodder in grain-based supplements for small ruminants during winter in dry areas of Pakistan

Mounir Louhaichi, Muhammad Islam, Abdul Razzaq, Sawsan Hassan, Hloniphani Moyo, Imtiaz Ahmed Qamar, Barbara Rischkowsky, Mohamed Ibrahim, Sarfraz Ahmad. (31/12/2018). Impacts of substituting spineless cactus pear for oat or lucerne green fodder in grain-based supplements for small ruminants during winter in dry areas of Pakistan
Social and behaviour change intervention for scaling equitable access to rice and common beans quality seeds to women and young smallholder farmers in Butaleja District Eastern Uganda

Social and behaviour change intervention for scaling equitable access to rice and common beans quality seeds to women and young smallholder farmers in Butaleja District Eastern Uganda

Lengewa, C.; Mikhala, A.; Aura, S.; Amuda, A.; Yila, J.; Nchanji, E.; Bomuhangi, A. (2024) Social and behaviour change intervention for scaling equitable access to rice and common beans quality seeds to women and young smallholder farmers in Butaleja District Eastern Uganda. CGIAR initative on Seed Equal Progress Report. 16 p.

Lusaka, Zambia National SHARED Workshop, May 22nd – 23rd 2017, Workshop report

Bwalya-Yengwe A, Masikati P, Tembo H and Neely C. 2017. Lusaka, Zambia, National SHARED Workshop, May 22nd – 23rd 2017: Workshop Report. Bringing evidence to bear on negotiating ecosystem service and livelihood trade-offs in sustainable agricultural intensification in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Zambia as part of the SAIRLA program. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Kenya
Working Paper

The Political Economy of Aid for Power Sector Reform

McCulloch, N., Sindou E. and Ward, J. (2017 ) ‘The Political Economy of Aid for Power Sector Reform’ in Pueyo, A. and Bawakyillenuo, S. (Eds) in Green Power for Africa: Overcoming the Main Constraints, IDS Bulletin 48 5-6, Brighton: IDS
Scientific Publication

Outcomes of antiretroviral therapy among younger versus older adolescents and adults in an urban clinic, Zimbabwe

C. M. J. Matyanga, K. C. Takarinda, P. Owiti, T. Mutasa-Apollo, O. Mugurungi, L. Buruwe, A. J. Reid (2016) Outcomes of antiretroviral therapy among younger versus older adolescents and adults in an urban clinic, Zimbabwe Public Health Action, Volume 6, Number 2, 21 June 2016, pp. 97-104(8) Publisher: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease DOI: