
Scientific Publication

Gender differences in awareness and adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in Bangladesh

Bryan, Elizabeth; Kato, Edward; Bernier, Quinn, 'Gender differences in awareness and adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in Bangladesh', In Gender, Climate Change and Livelihoods: Vulnerabilities and Adaptations, eds. Joshua Eastin and Kendra Dupuy. Part Three: Addressing the gendered impacts of climate change on livelihoods, Chapter 10, Pp. 123-142, CABI, 2021
Wamama Pamoja: Empowering women through agriculture and income generation to enhance household nutrition in Busia, Western Kenya
Poster / Presentation

Wamama Pamoja: Empowering women through agriculture and income generation to enhance household nutrition in Busia, Western Kenya

Grasso, A.; Owiti, J.A.O.; McDermott A.Y.; Wasikeb, V.; Borelli, T.; Gentle, H.; Amila P.; Hunter, D. (2015) Wamama Pamoja: Empowering women through agriculture and income generation to enhance household nutrition in Busia, Western Kenya. Poster presented at the Conference on Nutrition, Health and Gender in Sub-Saharan Africa. University of Illinois, Urbana (USA) 12 November 2015. 1 p.

Adoption and economic impact of briquettes as cooking fuel: the case of women fish smokers in Ghana

Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Amewu, S.; Njenga, M. 2018. Adoption and economic impact of briquettes as cooking fuel: the case of women fish smokers in Ghana. In Njenga, M.; Mendum, R. (Eds.). Recovering bioenergy in Sub-Saharan Africa: gender dimensions, lessons and challenges. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). pp.25-31. (Resource Recovery and Reuse: Special Issue)
Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.

Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.

Del Río ML; González C; Córdoba D; Howland F; Gutiérrez N; Lundy M. 2017. Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua, Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers. CIAT Policy Brief No. 40. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali, Colombia. 8 p.