
Alianzas productivas: un instrumento efectivo de inclusión productiva, versátil ante diferentes condiciones de vulnerabilidad y contextos regionales

Alianzas productivas: un instrumento efectivo de inclusión productiva, versátil ante diferentes condiciones de vulnerabilidad y contextos regionales

Lundy, Mark; Parra-Peña S, Rafael Isidro; Jaramillo, Carmen Lucía; Amrein, Alexandra; Hurtado, Jhon; González, Carolina. 2015. Alianzas productivas: Un instrumento efectivo de inclusión productiva, versátil ante diferentes condiciones de vulnerabilidad y contextos regionales. Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). 8p.
Scientific Publication

Enjeux et amélioration de la gestion des espèces du genre Entandrophragma, arbres africains devenus vulnérables

Kasongo Yakusu, E., Louppe, D., Monthe, F., Hardy, O.J., Mbele Lokanda, F.B., Hubau, W., Van den Bulcke, J., Van Acker, J., Beeckman, H., Bourland, N. 2019. Enjeux et amélioration de la gestion des espèces du genre Entandrophragma, arbres africains devenus vulnérables. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 339 (1) : 75-94.
Poster / Presentation

Mejoramiento participativo del maracuyá, la gulupa y la granadilla para mejorar los sistemas de producción en Colombia

Ocampo Pérez, John Albeiro; López, Nathali; Wyckhuys, Kris; Salazar, Mauricio; Solano, Rafael; Fonseca, Marco W.; Villegas Estrada, Bernardo; Aranzales Rondón, Ericson. 2009. Mejoramiento participativo del maracuyá, la gulupa y la granadilla para mejorar los sistemas de producción en Colombia [poster] [en línea]. XI Congreso colombiano de fitomejoramiento y producción de cultivos -2009. 1 p.
Scientific Publication

Equity in REDD+: Varying logics in Tanzania

Rantala, S., Kontinen, T., Korhonen-Kurki, K., Mustalahti, I.. 2015. Equity in REDD+ : Varying logics in Tanzania. Environmental Policy and Governance, 25 (3) : 201-212.
Farmer participation in research and extension: the key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production on sloping land in Asia and their impact on farmers` income
Poster / Presentation

Farmer participation in research and extension: the key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production on sloping land in Asia and their impact on farmers` income

Howeler, Reinhardt H.; Aye, Tin Maung. 2009. Farmer participation in research and extension : The key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production on sloping land in Asia and their impact on farmers` income [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. 1 p.
Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes - Cases from Southern and Western Africa
Scientific Publication

Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes - Cases from Southern and Western Africa

Zulu, L., Djenontin, I.N.S., Darkwah, A., Kamoto, J., Kampanje-Phiri, J., Fischer, G., Grabowski, P. and Egyir, I. 2020. Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes–Cases from Southern and Western Africa. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Scientific Publication

Building livelihoods for rural youth: A gendered perspective

Heckert, Jessica et al., 'Building livelihoods for rural youth: A gendered perspective', In 2019 Annual trends and outlook report: Gender equality in rural Africa: From commitments to outcomes, eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; and Njuki, Jemimah. Chapter 7, Pp. 97-110, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2019
Putting a premium on empowerment

Putting a premium on empowerment

CIAT. 2014. Putting a premium on empowerment. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT): Cali, Colombia. 4 p.
Guide methodologique: Méthode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture élevage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes

Guide methodologique: Méthode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture élevage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes

Bayala J, Dayamba D, Ayantunde A, Somda J, Ky-Dembele C, Bationo BA, Buah S, Sanogo D, Tougiani A, Zougmoré R. 2018. Guide methodologique: Méthode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture élevage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre.

Migration: The potential for inclusive forest management

Juniwaty, K.S., Moeliono, M., Maharani, C. 2019. Migration: The potential for inclusive forest management. CIFOR Infobrief No. 260. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).