
Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du fonio « Fini » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali.

Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du fonio « Fini » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali.

Mbosso, C.; Berthe Niang, A.; Mohamadou, Y.; Padulosi, S.; Sidibe, A.; Meldrum, G. (2018). Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du fonio « Fini » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali. Rome (Italy): Bioversity International, 4 p.
Land, livelihoods and gender: Dynamics of community forestry in Peten, Guatemala.
Scientific Publication

Land, livelihoods and gender: Dynamics of community forestry in Peten, Guatemala.

Stoian, D.; Elias, M.; Rodas, A. (2017) Land, livelihoods and gender: Dynamics of community forestry in Peten, Guatemala. [Abstract] In: Tielkes, E. (ed.): Tropentag 2017 – Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference held in Bonn, Germany on September 20-22, 2017, p. 504.
Empowerment of women through fisheries and aquaculture
Scientific Publication

Empowerment of women through fisheries and aquaculture

Gomes, A. (2007). Empowerment of women through fisheries and aquaculture. In Dickson, M. and A. Brooks (eds.) Proceedings of the CBFM-2 International Conference on Community Based Approaches to Fisheries Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-7 March. The WorldFish Center - Bangladesh Office
Scientific Publication

Addressing gender and social dynamics to strengthen resilience for all

Theis, Sophie; Bryan, Elizabeth; Ringler, Claudia, 'Addressing gender and social dynamics to strengthen resilience for all', In 2019 Annual trends and outlook report: Gender equality in rural Africa: From commitments to outcomes, eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; and Njuki, Jemimah. Chapter 9, Pp. 126-139, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2019
Scientific Publication

Building an inclusive agriculture: Strengthening gender equality in agricultural value chains

Rubin, Deborah; Boonabaana, Brenda; Manfre, Cristina, 'Building an inclusive agriculture: Strengthening gender equality in agricultural value chains', In 2019 Annual trends and outlook report: Gender equality in rural Africa: From commitments to outcomes, eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; and Njuki, Jemimah. Chapter 6, Pp. 83-96, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2019
Learning and action for gender-transformative climate-smart agriculture
Working Paper

Learning and action for gender-transformative climate-smart agriculture

Huyer S, Gumucio T, Chanana N, Cramer L, Mungai C, Ouedraogo M, Simelton E, Tavenner K, Twyman J. 2019. Learning and action for gender-transformative climate-smart agriculture. CCAFS Working Paper No. 279. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Scientific Publication

Genre, représentation et participation dans la gestion décentralisée des forêts: études de cas du Cameroun et du Sénégal

Bandiaky, S., Tiani, A.M. 2010. Genre, représentation et participation dans la gestion décentralisée des forêts: études de cas du Cameroun et du Sénégal . In: German, L.A., Karsenty, A. and Tiani, A. (eds.). Gouvernant les forêts africaines à l’ère de la mondialisation. :157-174. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). ISBN: 978-602-8693-17-2..
Understanding empowerment among retailers in the informal milk sector in peri-urban Nairobi: Informing an adaptation of the project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index
Poster / Presentation

Understanding empowerment among retailers in the informal milk sector in peri-urban Nairobi: Informing an adaptation of the project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index

Galiè, A., Heckert, J., Myers, E.C., Njiru, N., Kakota, T. and Alonso, S. 2019. Understanding empowerment among retailers in the informal milk sector in peri-urban Nairobi: Informing an adaptation of the project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Presentation at the 2019 Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week, Hyderabad, India, 24–28 June 2019. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Guide pratique. L’approche participative pour une gestion plus inclusive et durable des ressources en eau a travers les Comites Locaux de l’Eau, etape par etape: theorie, methodologie et exemples. In French

Guide pratique. L’approche participative pour une gestion plus inclusive et durable des ressources en eau a travers les Comites Locaux de l’Eau, etape par etape: theorie, methodologie et exemples. In French

Debevec, Liza; Compaore-Sawadogo, E. M. F. W.; Somda-Kabore, Letisia Rolande; Kando, Adeline Dorothee. 2019. Guide pratique. L’approche participative pour une gestion plus inclusive et durable des ressources en eau a travers les Comites Locaux de l’Eau, etape par etape: theorie, methodologie et exemples. In French. [A participatory approach for more inclusive and sustainable management of water resources through the local water committees, step by step: theory, methodology and examples] Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 48p. doi: 10.5337/2019.217
Addressing learning and complexity: Putting gender on the map: Methods for mapping gendered farm management systems in sub-Saharan Africa
Scientific Publication

Addressing learning and complexity: Putting gender on the map: Methods for mapping gendered farm management systems in sub-Saharan Africa

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Addressing learning and complexity: Putting gender on the map: Methods for mapping gendered farm management systems in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 259-264.
Scientific Publication

The promise and challenges of gender data

Buvinic, Mayra; Carey, Eleanor, 'The promise and challenges of gender data', In 2019 Annual trends and outlook report: Gender equality in rural Africa: From commitments to outcomes, eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; and Njuki, Jemimah. Chapter 12, Pp. 176-189, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2019