The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform publishes a working paper series to share emerging gender research insights and results with agriculture and food systems researchers in the CGIAR and beyond. Papers on certain topics might also appeal to a wider audience, including development practitioners, funding partners or policy makers.
The aims of the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform working paper series include documenting and making emerging work available to stimulate innovations in thinking, discourse and actions on gender equality in agriculture and food systems.
The series documents and presents robust high-quality gender research emerging from the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform working paper series publishes original research; case studies; evaluations; reviews of tools and methods; documentation of best practices; stocktaking or evidence mapping exercises; compendium of tools; and more.
All working papers undergo an internal review process by peer CGIAR researchers, including the GENDER Impact Platform science officer Els Lecoutere. Editorial roles are assumed by the GENDER Impact Platform science officer and the GENDER Impact Platform director Nicoline de Haan, who gives final sign-off. For more information, please contact genderplatform(at)
Nelson, V. and Forsythe, L. 2023. Gender and climate-resilient agriculture: A review of practical resources in support of gender-transformative change. CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #018. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.
Kihoro, E., Lecoutere, E. and Mishra, A. 2023. Uncovering the intersection of women’s empowerment and gender equality for climate-adaptive capacities in climate hotspots in Zambia. CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #017. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.