Communities of practice

The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform offers opportunities for gender researchers and others working to advance gender equality in food systems to connect, exchange and learn.
Virtual discussion group: CGIAR gender community
The CGIAR gender research coordinators, gender scientists and post-doctoral fellows from across the CGIAR system make up important parts of the CGIAR gender community. The Platform also serves external partners, a group that includes national agricultural research and extension systems, university partners, non-government organizations, multilateral institutions and governments with whom CGIAR collaborates. More than 200 people, representing these different groups, have joined GENDER’s virtual discussion group to exchange opportunities, experiences and views. Apply to join.
Community of practice: WE-Validate CoP
The Methods Module of the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform in 2022 launched a new community of practice called the ‘Women’s Empowerment Measurement Validation Community of Practice’ (WE-Validate CoP). This community is a space for CGIAR researchers and their partners to share information and good practices around developing and validating women’s empowerment metrics. Learn more or visit the CoP’s virtual discussion group to sign up.
Community of practice: GTRM-CoP
The ‘Community of Practice on Gender Transformative Research Methodologies (GTRM-CoP)’ is hosted under the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform’s Methods Module. It provides an opportunity for researchers to collaborate on examining, challenging and transforming the underlying causes of gender inequalities through developing and refining gender-transformative research methodologies. Learn more, visit the CoP’s SharePoint site ( account holders only) or contact Arwen Bailey for more information.
Virtual discussion group: Communicating gender
‘Communicating Gender in Food Systems Research and Development’ is a virtual discussion space for communicators, reporters, writers, researchers and other stakeholders interested in engaging in discussions on how to best communicate on gender in food systems research and development. It is a space for asking questions and sharing experiences, tips, resources and opportunities. The group is moderated by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform communications team. Apply to join.