Deconstructing Masculinities for Gender Transformative Research

The session will have three main objectives which include:

  • Sharing the experiences of working with men and boys to give participants ideas for adaptation in their work with men and boys towards gender equality;
  • Exploring concepts of masculinity, vulnerability and how men relate to them in different contexts;
  • To present insights on how to create male allyship in research and policy development in support of gender equality initiatives.

The key elements (content) of the presentation will include:

  • What we mean by masculinities;
  • Masculinities, gender relations and gendered social norms;
  • Contradictions of gender and the Challenge to gender norms;
  • Power & Privilege: Impact on decision-making & access to opportunities;
  • Harmful masculinities & their consequences;
  • Domains to focus on when addressing masculinities (giving examples of ADSOCK’s experience in Kenya);
  • Traditional norms –vs– Gender equitable norms;
  • Paradigm shift;
  • What to Do? Find the entry points;
  • Recommendations and conclusions.


Philip Erick Otieno, Advocates for Social Change Kenya (ADSOCK)
