Design Approaches for Gender-inclusive Digital Tools

We propose a capacity strengthening session with the objective to introduce inclusive design approaches for the development of gender and diversity-responsive digital tools within the CGIAR. Digital solutions for agricultural advisory or climate services, food security and decision-support for policy planning are on everyone´s lips. But the positive expected benefits of digital tools often fall short. Often, these tools are not designed with specific user-needs in mind, especially with respect to ability, gender, language, culture, age, or other forms of human differences. This challenges sustainable adoption and scaling of digital tools and influences the expected positive impacts on key indicators as poverty or climate change adaptation. Design methods guide user-centered and inclusive design of digital tools throughout the whole development process. Inclusive design is an approach to design for a diversity of people, by considering specific user needs, e.g. in accessing information. These approaches are participatory by heart and include the user groups throughout the whole design process. Inclusive design means learning from diversity: we first design a solution for a specific group and afterwards extend to others. We developed a guidebook for gender inclusive digital design that can strengthen the capacities of researchers and digital developers within the CGIAR in developing (gender) inclusive tools.


Anna Müller, The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT


  • Anna Müller, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
  • Berta Ortiz, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
  • Jonathan Steinke, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
  • Eileen B. Nchanji, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
