Using a Livestock Vaccine Value Chain Framework to Identify Pathways to Transform Outcomes for Women Livestock Owners 

Our session will present the synthesis of country results on mapping the livestock vaccine value chains in Ghana, Nepal, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda. The synthesis will be from four ongoing research for development projects, funded by the Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund, using a livestock vaccine value chain framework infused with systematic gender, and in the case of one project intersectional, analysis to identify causal pathways to increasing women’s access to livestock vaccines. Inadequate vaccine supply and infrastructure coupled with socio cultural-economic inequalities in the value chain continue to perpetuate gender blind policies and practices to improve the provision of, and access to, vaccines and animal health services. As a result, women’s animals are unvaccinated and vulnerable households lose livestock to vaccine preventable diseases. The research aims to identify entry points that can transform outcomes for women livestock owners. Because of the complexity and dynamics within the livestock system, the four projects applied the livestock vaccine value chain framework to analyze causal pathways and the existing assumptions and practices around livestock vaccination. Each project will share a country specific case study to showcase the different entry points for transformative change of the livestock vaccine value chain. The heterogeneity of the causal pathways require different approaches for development and challenge the notion of scaling. Interactive discussion session after presentations will stimulate a conversation on best approaches to advancing gender+ research and gender+ integration in food systems and increasing the understanding of gender issues within a previously unexplored domain of livestock systems.

Nargiza Ludgate, University of Florida, USA
Sandra Russo, University of Florida


Nargiza Ludgate, University of Florida

Using the livestock vaccine value chain framework to transform outcomes for women livestock owners: intersectionality & causal pathways


Salome R.A. Bukachi, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Triggering shifts in gender norms through enhancing distribution and delivery systems for Newcastle disease among smallholder farmers


Immaculate Omondi, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Transformative change for women’s empowerment through livestock vaccine in Ghana


Jemimah Oduma, University of Nairobi

Systemic transformational change and empowerment for women smallholder farmers through engagement of key critical partner
