What is a Local Normative Climate? Different operationalization of the concept

A ‘local normative climate’ refers to the prevailing set of gender norms n a given community, and how these norms are interacting with other dynamics in that context to differentially shape women’s and men’s capacities to innovate in agri-food systems. The concept emerged during the analysis phase of the global GENNOVATE study conducted in 137 villages from 26 countries. In this panel, four doctoral candidates present how they have appropriated and adapted the concept in their own research and reflect on lessons for gender and agri-food systems research.


Patti Petesch, Wageningen University, Netherlands


Cees Leeuwis, Wageningen University Afrina Choudhury, WorldFish and Wageningen University

What is a local normative climate? Different approaches to operationalizing the concept


Anne Rietveld, The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT /Wageningen University

Gender Responsible Scaling


Diana E. Lopez, Wageningen University

What is a local normative climate? Different approaches to operationalizing the concept


Patti Petesch, Wageningen University

What is a local normative climate? Different approaches to operationalizing the concept


Anne Rietveld, The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT/WUR

GENNOVATE 2.0: Reimagining Research for Gender-Transformative Change in Agri-food Systems
The time is ripe to build on the knowledge acquired in GENNOVATE by moving forward with research for gender transformative development in the domain of smallholder farming, agricultural innovation and natural resource management and to create closer R4D interactions with a wide variety of stakeholders at all levels. A small team has been working on a potential GENNOVATE 2.0 since early 2021. Work has included a SWOT analysis of GENNOVATE 1, the development of initial concept notes for GENNOVATE 2.0, and a virtual workshop (conducted in April 2021) to present and discuss these ideas with members of the CGIAR Gender Platform.
We propose three working packages:

  1. WP 1 – Designing GENNOVATE 2.0 field research and transformative methodologies
  2. WP 2 – Promoting gender transformative research for change on different levels with a wide range of partners through institutional capacity strengthening and building of new partnerships
  3. WP 3 – Widening access to the existing GENNOVATE data.

We particularly want to collect your ideas on how to move forward and create strong research proposals.

