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IFPRI adheres to the principle of unrestricted public access to its own final research outputs and will make such outputs freely available. The Institute encourages the use of the COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Ghana, Round 4 dataset; for detailed information on its use, please refer to IFPRI’s Intellectual Property Policy. The data files in this dataset are unit record or ‘raw’ data files. Information that would allow survey respondents to be identified has been deleted from the files, but all other information remains. IFPRI’s decision not to alter the contents of the data files means that the user of these files will need to take care in handling missing observations, outliers, and violations of logical consistency. The data are provided ‘as is’ and in no event shall IFPRI be liable for any damages resulting from the use of the data. While great effort was taken to obtain high-quality data, the accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way. |