Replication Data for: Aspirations and Women's Empowerment: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan


These files consist of the do-files and data for reproducing results presented in the article, "Aspirations and Women's Empowerment: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan" (Kosec et al, 2021). The data files were constructed from the fourth and fifth rounds of the Life in Kyrgyzstan Study (LiKS), collected in 2013 and 2016, respectively. LikS is a longitudinal, multi-topic survey respresentative at both the national and area (East, West, North, South) levels. These two rounds of the Liks were used in the analysis because they contain a common set of nine questions related to gender attitudes, and on 17 questions related to who makes household decisions, answered by all adults aged 18-54. A new aspirations module was added to the 2016 round not fielded in any other LiKS rounds. All household members aged 18–54 were asked about the levels of 1) current, 2) desired, and 3) expected (in 10 years) achievements in the areas of household income, household asset wealth, average education of family members, personal social status, and personal security. The details about the questions are included in the Appendix B and C of the article.