
Making Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems Innovation Count for Women and Youth

Organizer: AIM for Climate
Co-Organizers: Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate)
Co-leads: (United States and United Arab Emirates) and USAID

This session will emphasize that now is an important moment and opportunity to shape the conversation about global climate change, agriculture, and food systems through innovation, with particular attention paid to women and youth. Agriculture accounts for around 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions, including land use and farm-to-farmgate emissions, which are up to a third. It is essential to lower emissions to meet climate goals while also feeding more people using less land. This event will amplify Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate) innovation sprint partners that emphasize women and youth in climate-smart agriculture and food systems innovation. This event will also preview the AIM for Climate Report: Cultivating Transformative Investments in Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems Innovation and announce a call to action for government partners to consider agriculture in national climate planning.



Mr. Evan Sieradzki, International Affairs Fellow and AIM for Climate Co-Lead, USDA

Keynote Speaker

Caitlin Corner-Dolloff, Senior Policy Advisor for Climate and Agriculture, USAID

Framing Remarks

  • AIM for Climate African Government Partner Representative
  • Youth Representative (TBC)
  • UN Foundation overview of AIM for Climate Report

Innovation Sprint Highlights/Moderated Panel:

  • Evan Sieradzki, International Affairs Fellow and AIM for Climate Co-Lead, USDA
  • Georgina Campbell Flatter, Managing Director and Co-Founder, Tomorrow Now
  • African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Representative,
  • PlantVillage Representative