
Securing inclusive land restoration

Vegetables Photo: ICARDA

Securing inclusive land restoration: Climate-smart solutions to enhance ecosystem health and strengthen food, nutrition and water security for all. This webinar  will be held virtually on October 26, 2021  from 14:00-15:00 CEST

Securing inclusive restoration

About this event

This webinar will analyze the social and political dimensions of land restoration initiatives – vitally important given the recent launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030), which presents a momentous opportunity to achieve economic and social objectives.

Presenting research by the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) in India and Ethiopia, the webinar poses several questions: Who sets restoration agendas, and how, why and for whom? Are plural, unequal local voices and knowledge systems valued or ignored, and do they influence how degraded landscapes are restored? The session will discuss:

  • Gender and other intersectional inequalities that determine who is included or excluded in restoration initiatives
  • The tendency for gender to become diluted during policy processes
  • The need for more meaningful capacity strengthening on gender and social inclusion
  • The importance of tackling institutional structures and cultures that prevent more inclusive outcomes in land restoration.

Speakers & Panellists

Dr Deepa Joshi, Gender, Youth and Inclusion Lead, WLE (IWMI)

Dr Ravula Padmaja, Senior Scientist, Gender Research, ICRISAT

Dr Ermias Betemariam, Land Health Scientist, ICRAF

Dr Marlene Elias, Gender Lead, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Professor Pradeep Kumar Joshi, NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India)

Dr Gete Zeleke, Director, Water and Land Resource Centre, Addis Ababa University

Dr Anthony Whitbred, Co-Leader of Sustainable Land and Water Solutions research theme, WLE (ICRISAT)

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Visit the webinar's website