Webinar: Tools for gender research and integration in agricultural value chains
Join this webinar to learn more about tools and methods that can help you consider gender dynamics in the context of agricultural value chains and find implementation strategies for reducing gender inequalities and empowering women.
While many development projects focus on value chains, markets, and/or entrepreneurship to achieve objectives such as reducing poverty and gender inequalities, there is a lack of available information about the tools and methods related to gender, agriculture, and value chains, market inclusion, or entrepreneurship.
A working group under the CGIAR GENDER Platform Methods module identified 19 tools and methods related to gender and agricultural value chains. The tools and methods related to gender and agricultural value chains provide guidance to researchers and practitioners about how to integrate or mainstream gender in their projects. Many provide frameworks for how to consider gender in the context of agricultural value chains as well as guidance related to data collection at different points in the value chain and/or project cycle. Some provide guidance about how to conduct gender analysis and arrive at implementation strategies for reducing gender inequalities and empowering women. In general, the tools and methods provide explicit conceptual definitions of gender and discuss how to operationalize (consider or measure) gender in the context of value chains.
In this webinar, working group representatives will provide an overview of their review and discuss how researchers and practitioners can identify tools and methods that can support and guide projects as well as identify gaps that they could address in future projects.
- Elizabeth Bryan, Methods module co-lead
- Jennifer Twyman, gender researcher and independent consultant
- Kate Ambler, research fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)