Arthur P.J. Mol
Rector Magnificus and Vice-PresidentBio
Prof. dr. Arthur P.J. Mol obtained his master in environmental sciences (1985, Wageningen University) and his PhD in environmental politics/sociology (1995, University of Amsterdam). He has been professor in Environmental Policy at Wageningen University since 2000, and was also professor at Remin University (China), Tsinghua University (China), the National University of Malaysia and Chiba University (Japan). Currently, he is rector magnificus and vice-president of Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands. He has worked and published extensively on environmental and agrofood governance, international sustainability politics, sustainable production and consumption, circular economy, globalization and sustainability, and marine governance. He was editor of Environmental Politics till 2016, and is still on the editorial board of 9 international peer reviewed journals. He is currently also board member of, among others, the international Water Technology Institute Wetsus; the National Environmental Assessment Agency, the Netherlands; the Euroleague of Life Sciences Universities ELLS; the Association of European Life Sciences Universities ICA; and the AgroFood Capital foundation.