Natalia Estrada Carmona

Associate Scientist, Agricultural biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Alliance, Bioversity and CIAT


Natalia joined Bioversity International in June 2014 to provide support on implementing an ecosystem service approach in agricultural landscapes for livelihood improvement. She is working with the Natural Capital Project to develop training opportunities for partners and Bioversity International and the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems staff. She also works closely with the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems to translate flood systems into ecosystem services that contribute to improved livelihoods, particularly in the Tonlé Sap in Cambodia and the Barotse floodplain in Zambia.

Her past experiences include modelling water quality and functional connectivity for wild biodiversity in the Volcánica Central-Talamanca Biological Corridor. Natalia collaborated with the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature initiative to lead the Latin America review of Integrated Landscape Management.