Nitya Rao

University of East Anglia


Nitya Rao has worked extensively as a researcher, teacher and advocate in the field of women’s rights, employment and education for over three decades. 

She has extensive experience as PI, Co-I and Theme Lead across multi-country, diverse stakeholder partnerships on several research and applied research programmes including on Adaptation to Climate Change in Sem-Arid contexts, Sustainable Food Systems, Coastal Transformations and Fisher Wellbeing, Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture as Green Infrastructure and Migration as Adaptation.

She also currently serves on a number of high-level science advisory panels on food security (EAT-Lancet Commission 2.0; United Nations Food Systems Transformation Coordination Hub; and just completed a 4-year term on High Level Panel of Experts to the Committee on World Food Security), and on scientific research including as a member of the UKRI International Strategic Advisory Group and the UK-CGIAR Science & Impact Advisory Group.