Safina Mukagatete

Managing Director
Aggregator Trust Rwanda Ltd


Safina Mukagatete is the Managing Director of Aggregator Trust Rwanda Ltd, an enterprise growing and selling iron-rich beans on 85 hectares of land. She is a Rwandan woman who is changing lives through bean grain aggregation. Safina also works with 40,000 small holder farmers in six districts of Eastern province and can store up to 7,000 tons of high ion beans in a year in Kayonza district where her enterprise is headquartered. Among her clients are schools and local traders and she exports high ion beans to Oman and Canada. She has 80 permanent staff and more than 200 for casual labor. Safina founded the Aggregator Trust limited after building her experience in the agriculture sector and after receiving training and mentorship in 2018 from HarvestPlus, a CGIAR program that leads a global movement to rapidly scale up production and consumption of biofortified staple crops and foods. Safina is skilled in working in the international trade and development industry. She has previously worked as Local government relations officer for seven years with One Acre Fund, a social enterprise that provide agriculture services for farmers in East Africa. She is also skilled in Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development, Policy Analysis, and Economic Development. Safina holds a master’s degree in project management from Mount Kenya University.