Surendran Rajaratnam
Senior LecturerBio
Surendran Rajaratnam is a Senior Lecturer at the National University of Malaysia. He was a post-doctoral fellow at WorldFish, where he has worked since 2013 prior to joining the University. Rajaratnam obtained his master’s degree and doctorate from Universiti Sains Malaysia.
At WorldFish, Rajaratnam conducted a range of gender studies in Asia and Africa. Among the initial studies that he has conducted with WorldFish was a social and gender study in the Barotse floodplain, Western Province of Zambia.
Rajaratnam also worked on CGIAR’s GENNOVATE study which explored gender in aquatic agricultural innovation processes in Bangladesh and the Philippines. He was also part of a joint project between WorldFish and FAO that conducted a series of case studies in Bangladesh and Indonesia on women’s empowerment in aquatic food systems.
Articles by Surendran Rajaratnam