
Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots
Working Paper

Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots. CGIAR GENDER Platform working paper 005.

Koo, J., Azzarri, C, Mishra, A., Lecoutere, E., Puskur, R., Chanana, N., Singaraju, N., Nico, G. and Khatri-Chhetri, A. 2022. Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots. CGIAR GENDER Platform Working Paper #005. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Platform.
Adaptation’s thirst: accelerating the convergence of water and climate action. Background paper prepared for the 2019 report of the Global Commission on Adaptation

Adaptation’s thirst: accelerating the convergence of water and climate action. Background paper prepared for the 2019 report of the Global Commission on Adaptation

Smith, D. Mark; Matthews, J. H.; Bharati, Luna; Borgomeo, Edoardo; McCartney, Matthew; Mauroner, A.; Nicol, Alan; Rodriguez, D.; Sadoff, Claudia; Suhardiman, Diana; Timboe, I.; Amarnath, Giriraj; Anisha, N. 2019. Adaptation’s thirst: accelerating the convergence of water and climate action. Background paper prepared for the 2019 report of the Global Commission on Adaptation. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA).. 42p.
Scientific Publication

Cultivated systems

Cassman, K. G.; Wood, S.; Choo, P. S.; Cooper, H. D.; Devendra, C.; Dixon, J.; Gaskell, J.; Khan, S.; Lal, R.; Lipper, Leslie; Pretty, J.; Primavera, J.; Ramankutty, N.; Viglizzo, E.; Wiebe, K.; Kadungure, S.; Kanbar, N.; Khan, Z.; Leakey, R.; Porter, S.; Sebastian, K.; Tharme, Rebecca. 2005. Cultivated systems. In Hassan, R.�; Scholes, R.�; Ash, N. (Eds.).� Ecosystems and human well-being: current state and trends. Volume 1.� Washington, DC, USA: Island Press. pp.745-794.
Performance and yield stability of maize hybrids in stress-prone environments in eastern Africa
Scientific Publication

Performance and yield stability of maize hybrids in stress-prone environments in eastern Africa

Rezende, W. S., Beyene, Y., Mugo, S. N., Ndou, E. N., Gowda, M., Sserumaga, J. P., Asea, G., Ngolinda, I., Jumbo, M.B., Oikeh, S. O., Olsen, M., Borém, A., Cruz, C. D., & Prasanna, B. M. (2020). Performance and yield stability of maize hybrids in stress-prone environments in eastern Africa. *The Crop Journal*, 8(1), 107-118.
Magazine or Press item

Farmers turn to film-making

Holmes, Keith A. 2006. Farmers turn to film-making. Spore 122. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Cultivar mulato II (Brachiaria híbrido CIAT 36087): Gramínea de alta calidad y producción forrajera, resistente a salivazo y adaptada a suelos tropicales ácidos bien drenados
Book / Monograph

Cultivar mulato II (Brachiaria híbrido CIAT 36087): Gramínea de alta calidad y producción forrajera, resistente a salivazo y adaptada a suelos tropicales ácidos bien drenados

Argel M., Pedro J.; Miles, John W.; Guiot García, Jorge David; Cuadrado Capella, Hugo; Lascano, Carlos E. 2007. Cultivar mulato II (Brachiaria híbrido CIAT 36087) : Gramínea de alta calidad y producción forrajera, resistente a salivazo y adaptada a suelos tropicales ácidos bien drenados. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 22 p.
Scientific Publication

New biomarkers for stage determination in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness patients

Tiberti, N.; Matovu, E.; Hainard, A.; Enyaru, J.C.; Lejon, V.; Robin, X.; Turck, N.; Ngoyi, D.M.; Krishna, S.; Bisser, S.; Courtioux, B.; Büscher, P.; Kristensson, K.; Ndung’u, J.M.; Sanchez, J.C. New biomarkers for stage determination in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness patients. Clinical and Translational Medicine (2013) 2: 1. (DOI: 10.1186/2001-1326-2-1)