
Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots
Working Paper

Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots. CGIAR GENDER Platform working paper 005.

Koo, J., Azzarri, C, Mishra, A., Lecoutere, E., Puskur, R., Chanana, N., Singaraju, N., Nico, G. and Khatri-Chhetri, A. 2022. Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots. CGIAR GENDER Platform Working Paper #005. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Platform.
A Regional Perspective of Socio-Ecological Predictors for Fruit and Nut Tree Varietal Diversity Maintained by Farmer Communities in Central Asia
Scientific Publication

A Regional Perspective of Socio-Ecological Predictors for Fruit and Nut Tree Varietal Diversity Maintained by Farmer Communities in Central Asia

Muhabbat Turdieva, Agnès Bernis-Fonteneau, Maira Esenalieva, Abdihalil Kayimov, Ashirmuhammed Saparmyradov, Khursandi Safaraliev, Kairkul Shalpykov, Paolo Colangelo, Devra Jarvis. (11/1/2024). A Regional Perspective of Socio-Ecological Predictors for Fruit and Nut Tree Varietal Diversity Maintained by Farmer Communities in Central Asia. world, 5 (1).
Restoring degraded forests and agricultural landscapes in the Gambia through policies to implement eco-based adaptation systems and interventions that aim to restore 7,000 ha of degraded forests and 3,000 ha agricultural land, with 11,550 and 46,200 direct and indirect beneficiaries respectively
Report / Case study

Restoring degraded forests and agricultural landscapes in the Gambia through policies to implement eco-based adaptation systems and interventions that aim to restore 7,000 ha of degraded forests and 3,000 ha agricultural land, with 11,550 and 46,200 direct and indirect beneficiaries respectively

CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. 2021. Restoring degraded forests and agricultural landscapes in the Gambia through policies to implement eco-based adaptation systems and interventions that aim to restore 7,000 ha of degraded forests and 3,000 ha agricultural land, with 11,550 and 46,200 direct and indirect beneficiaries respectively. Reported in Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Annual Report 2021. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Produccion de papa organica en la region andina del Peru: El manejo integrado de plagas lo hace posible.
Scientific Publication

Produccion de papa organica en la region andina del Peru: El manejo integrado de plagas lo hace posible.

Kroschel, J.; Alcazar, J.; Canedo, V.; Miethbauer, T.; Zegarra, O.; Cordoba, L.; Gamarra, C. 2013. Produccion de papa organica en la region andina del Peru: El manejo integrado de plagas lo hace posible. In: Henriquez, P.; Li Pun, H. (eds.). Innovaciones de impacto: Lecciones de la agricultura familiar en America Latina y el Caribe. San Jose (Costa Rica). Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID); Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacion para la Agricultura (IICA). ISBN 978-92-9248-453-8. pp. 165-181.
Scientific Publication

Soil fertility maintenance: organic solutions

Howeler, Reinhardt. 2012. Soil fertility maintenance : Organic solutions. In: Howeler, Reinhardt H. (ed.). The cassava handbook: A reference manual based on the asian regional cassava training course, held in Thailand. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bangkok, TH. p. 469-496.