
New ways to think Resilience Pathways
Poster / Presentation

New ways to think Resilience Pathways

Farnworth, C.R. and Rietveld, A. 2023. New ways to think Resilience Pathways. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative.
How accurately do maize crop models simulate the interactions of atmospheric CO2 concentration levels with limited water supply on water use and yield?
Scientific Publication

How accurately do maize crop models simulate the interactions of atmospheric CO2 concentration levels with limited water supply on water use and yield?

Durand, Jean-Louis; Delusca, Kenel; Boote, Ken; Lizaso, Jon; Manderscheid, Remy; Weigel, Hans Johachim; Ruane, Alex C; Rosenzweig, Cynthia; Jones, Jim; Ahuja, Laj; Anapalli, Saseendran; Basso, Bruno; Baron, Christian; Bertuzzi, Patrick; Biernath, Christian; Deryng, Delphine; Ewert, Frank; Gaiser, Thomas; Gayler, Sebastian; Heinlein, Florian; Kersebaum, Furt Christian; Kim, Soo-Hyung; Müller, Christoph; Nendel, Claas; Olioso, Albert; Priesack, Eckart; Ramirez Villegas, Julian; Ripoche, Dominique; Rötter, Reimund P.; Seidel, Sabine I; Srivastava, Amit; Tao, Fulu; Timlin, Dennis; Twine, Tracy; Wang, Enli; Webber, Heidi; Zhao, Zhigan. 2017. How accurately do maize crop models simulate the interactions of atmospheric CO2 concentration levels with limited water supply on water use and yield? . European Journal of Agronomy 1-9 p.
Delivery of climate services through Rwanda’s national agricultural extension service extended to 106,000 farmers, and deepened through climate service Radio Listening Clubs
Report / Case study

Delivery of climate services through Rwanda’s national agricultural extension service extended to 106,000 farmers, and deepened through climate service Radio Listening Clubs

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. Delivery of climate services through Rwanda’s national agricultural extension service extended to 106,000 farmers, and deepened through climate service Radio Listening Clubs. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between CIAT and Yen Bai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) to officially incorporate Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) into its provincial development agenda

Memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between CIAT and Yen Bai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) to officially incorporate Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) into its provincial development agenda

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. Memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between CIAT and Yen Bai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) to officially incorporate Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) into its provincial development agenda. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Policy.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) based Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)-Calculator tool for farm level monitoring of performance, synergies and trade-offs

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) based Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)-Calculator tool for farm level monitoring of performance, synergies and trade-offs

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) based Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)-Calculator tool for farm level monitoring of performance, synergies and trade-offs. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Innovations.
Webinar: Launch of an evidence synthesis of gender norms in agrifood systems: Pathways towards improved women’s economic resilience to climate change
Poster / Presentation

Webinar: Launch of an evidence synthesis of gender norms in agrifood systems: Pathways towards improved women’s economic resilience to climate change

Rietveld, Anne M., Farnworth, Rozel C., Meghajit , M., Meentzen, A., Voss,R., Rebecca Morahan, R., and López, Diana E. 2024. Webinar: Launch of an evidence synthesis of gender norms in agrifood systems: Pathways towards improved women’s economic resilience to climate change. Presentation. CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative
Scientific Publication

Does balancing gender composition lead to more prosocial outcomes? Experimental evidence of equality in public goods and extraction games from rural Kenya

Masuda, Yuta J.; Waterfield, Gina; Castilla, Carolina; Kang, Shiteng; and Zhang, Wei. 2022. Does balancing gender composition lead to more prosocial outcomes? Experimental evidence of equality in public goods and extraction games from rural Kenya. World Development 156(August 2022): 105923.

Groundwater socio-ecology of Niger

Obuobie, Emmanuel; Barry, Boubacar. 2004. Groundwater socio-ecology of Niger. Report of IWMI-OPEC Funded Groundwater Project Studies in Selected Sub-Sahara African Countries. 30p.
Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin

Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin

Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Muthuwatta, Lal; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Surinaidu, Lagudu; Natarajan, R.; Chinnasamy, Pennan; Kakumanu, Krishna Reddy; Prathapar, Sanmugam A.; Jain, S. K.; Ghosh, N. C.; Singh, S.; Sharma, A.; Jain, S. K.; Kumar, S.; Goel, M. K. 2016. Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 42p. (IWMI Research Report 167) doi: 10.5337/2016.212