
Gender-sensitive nutrition training in Embu County in Kenya

Gender-sensitive nutrition training in Embu County in Kenya

Ouya, F.; Muriithi, C.; Lutomia, C.; Ketema, D.; Waswa, B.; Nchanji, E.; Kagete, M.; Amboga, S.; Magoti, R.; Nyokabi, M.; Nyaguthii, M.; Wainaina, M.; Gatehi, W. (2023) Gender-sensitive nutrition training in Embu County in Kenya. Gender Equality Technical Report. 25 p.
The role of social protection in supporting gendered resilience in the context of climate change: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
Poster / Presentation

The role of social protection in supporting gendered resilience in the context of climate change: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh

Ahmed, Akhter; Roy, Shalini; Hidrobo, Melissa; Mueller, Valerie; Hoddinott, John; Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab; Rakshit, Deboleena; Belli, Anna; Thiede, Brian; and Gupta, Tanaya Dutta. 2023. The role of social protection in supporting gendered resilience in the context of climate change: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh. Presented at the Webinar on Gender and Climate Research for Agrifood Systems Transformation on November 7, 2023. CGIAR.
Gender-Smart Accelerator Challenge results and recommendations for improving access to finance as well as improving resilience for women-led small and medium entreprises in agri-food systems
Poster / Presentation

Gender-Smart Accelerator Challenge results and recommendations for improving access to finance as well as improving resilience for women-led small and medium entreprises in agri-food systems

Derenoncourt M, Jaquet S . 2023. Gender-Smart Accelerator Challenge results and recommendations for improving access to finance as well as improving resilience for women-led small and medium entreprises in agri-food systems. AICCRA Poster. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).
Online Sources

Efectos generados al sistema alimentario por afectación en la Vía Panamericana en Rosas Cauca

Castillo, Johana Marcela; Gonzalez, Carlos Eduardo; Salas, Daniela. 2023. Efectos generados al sistema alimentario por afectación en la Vía Panamericana en Rosas Cauca. CGIAR Blog Post. First published online March 18, 2023.
Women Empowerment in Water Governance in Polder Zone in Bangladesh
Poster / Presentation

Women Empowerment in Water Governance in Polder Zone in Bangladesh

Sarker, M.R., Singaraju, N., Batas, M. A., Mondal, M. k., Das, M., Puskur, R,.and Yadav, S. (2023). Women Empowerment in Water Governance in Polder Zone in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Rice Research Institute. CGIAR Gender Conference 2023, New Delhi, India.