
Scientific Publication

Recent progress on cowpea improvement

Singh, B.B., Hartmann, P., Fatokun, C., Tamo, M., Tarawali, S. & Ortiz, R. (2003). Recent progress in cowpea improvement. Chronica Horticulturae, 43(2), 8-12.
Scientific Publication

The new normal?

Rosegrant, Mark; Tokgoz, Simla; Bhandary, Prapti, 'The new normal?', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 95(2), pp. 303-309, Wiley, 2013
Scientific Publication

Productivity effects of sustainable intensification

Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O; Adjognon, Serge; Kuku, Oluyemisi, 'Productivity effects of sustainable intensification', Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 27-29, 2014, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2014
CAC News No 59-60. January-June 2014

CAC News No 59-60. January-June 2014

Jozef Turok. (30/6/2014). CAC News No 59-60. January-June 2014. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Scientific Publication

Trade, climate change, and climate-smart agriculture

Haile, Beliyou et al., 'Trade, climate change, and climate-smart agriculture', In A thriving agricultural sector in a changing climate: Meeting Malabo Declaration goals through climate-smart agriculture, eds. Alessandro De Pinto and John M. Ulimwengu. Chapter 5, pp. 54-68, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2017
Dataset / Geospatial

Climate Productivity Index (Crop Group II, Rainfed)

De Pauw, Eddy; Atassi, Layal; Tulaymat, Mohammad Fawaz; Nseir, B., 2019, "Climate Productivity Index (Crop Group II, Rainfed)",, MELDATA, V1
Scientific Publication

Acceptability and feasibility of using non-specialist health workers to deliver mental health care

Mendenhall, E.; de Silva, M.J.; Hanlon, C.; Petersen, I.; Shidhaye, R.; Jordans, M.; Luitel, N.; Ssebunnya, J.; Fekadu, A.; Patel, V.; Tomlinson, M.; Lund, C. Acceptability and feasibility of using non-specialist health workers to deliver mental health care: Stakeholder perceptions from the PRIME district sites in Ethiopia, India, Nepal, South Africa, and Uganda. Social Science and Medicine (2014) 118: 33-42. (DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.07.057)
Scientific Publication

Causes of non-malarial fever in Laos: a prospective study

Mayxay, M.; Castonguay-Vanier, J.; Chansamouth, V.; Dubot-Pérès, A.; Paris, D.H.; Phetsouvanh, R.; Tangkhabuanbutra, J.; Douangdala, P.; Inthalath, S.; Souvannasing, P.; Slesak, G.; Tongyoo, N.; Chanthongthip, A.; Panyanouvong, P.; Sibounheuang, B.; Phommasone, K.; Dohnt, M.; Phonekeo, D.; Hongvanthong, B.; Xayadeth, S.; Ketmayoon, P.; Blacksell, S.D.; Moore, C.E.; Craig, S.B.; Burns, M.A.; von Sonnenburg, F.; Corwin, A.; de Lamballerie, X.; González, I.J.; Christophel, E.M.; Cawthorne, A.; Bell, D.; Newton, P.N. Causes of non-malarial fever in Laos: a prospective study. The Lancet Global Health (2013) 1 (1) e46-e54. (DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(13)70008-1)
Scientific Publication

Assessment of the adherence of community health workers to dosing and referral guidelines for the management of fever in children under 5 years: a study in Dangme West District, Ghana

Chinbuah, M.A.; Abbey, M.; Kager, P.A.; Gyapong, M.; Nonvignon, J.; Ashitey, P.; Akpakli, J.; Appiatse, S.A.A.; Kubi, D.; Gyapong, J.O. Assessment of the adherence of community health workers to dosing and referral guidelines for the management of fever in children under 5 years: a study in Dangme West District, Ghana. International Health (2013) 5 (2) 148-156. (DOI: 10.1093/inthealth/ihs008)
Working Paper

Payment Instruments, Finance and Development

Beck, T. H. L., Pamuk, H., Uras, R. B., & Ramrattan, R. (2017). Payment Instruments, Finance and Development. (DFID Working Paper). Tilburg: Tilburg University
Scientific Publication

Health systems, systems thinking and innovation

Atun, R. Health systems, systems thinking and innovation. Health Policy and Planning (2012) 27 (suppl 4) iv4-iv8. (Systems thinking for health systems strengthening in LMICs: seizing the opportunity) (DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czs088)
Scientific Publication

Water and rights: state management in South Africa and India

Mehta, L.; Thompson, L.; Nleya, N. Water and rights: state management in South Africa and India. In: Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South.. Zed Books, London, UK (2010) ISBN 9781848133884
Scientific Publication

Exploiting rice genetic resources through population improvement

Guimaraes, Elcio Perpétuo; Châtel, Marc. 2005. Exploiting rice genetic resources through population improvement. In: Guimaraes, Elcio Perpétuo (ed.). Population improvement: A way of exploiting the rice genetic resources of Latin America. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, IT. p. 3-17.