
Dataset / Tabular

Dataset for: Potential new bio-fortified potato varieties high in iron and zinc to contribute to food and nutrition security in Apurimac, Peru (Organoleptic data)

Salas, Elisa; Bastos, Maria; Maccera, Chiara; Campos, Hugo, 2020, "Dataset for: Potential new bio-fortified potato varieties high in iron and zinc to contribute to food and nutrition security in Apurimac, Peru (Organoleptic data).",, International Potato Center, V1, UNF:6:Sk4XJAebhlbvUJpDQGPPNA== [fileUNF]
Dataset / Tabular

Dataset for: Agronomic log of small potato farmers during the 2021-2022 campaign in the districts of Chugay, Pataz, Pías y Tayabamba in the department of La Libertad - Peru

Rinza, Javier; Diaz, Eli; Ramirez, David; Ninanya, Johan; Arias, Enner A; Cieza, Fredy; Flores, Demetrio; Huamanchay, William; Mendoza, Wilson; Roncal, Alex; Villanueva, Alex J.; Villanueva, Cristian; Otiniano, Ronal; Perez, Juan M., 2022, "Dataset for: Agronomic log of small potato farmers during the 2021-2022 campaign in the districts of Chugay, Pataz, Pías y Tayabamba in the department of La Libertad - Peru.",, International Potato Center, V1, UNF:6:JXqBtQEFmqyO8OcV0ZvUbA== [fileUNF]
Dataset / Tabular

Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013: Role and impact of clove on the income generation of farms in Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modeling by the Olympia software of a farm by type and per village 2013Titre en anglais (si original en français) | en français (si original en anglais)

Richard Annabelle, 2019, "Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013",, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
Using climate financing wisely to address multiple crises
Scientific Publication

Using climate financing wisely to address multiple crises

Läderach, P.; Desai, B.; Pacillo, G.; Roy, S.; Kosec, K.; Ruckstuhl, S.; Loboguerrero, A.M. (2024) Using climate financing wisely to address multiple crises. PLOS Climate 3(2): e0000355. ISSN: 2767-3200
Simone Staiger - Launch Website

Simone Staiger - Launch Website

CIAT. (2019). Simone Staiger - Launch Website. [Video file]. International Center for Tropical Agriculture. Retreived from
Scientific Publication

Managing water supply and demand in southern Africa

Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Rosegrant, Mark, 'Managing water supply and demand in southern Africa', In Achieving food security in southern Africa. Haddad, Lawrence James (Ed.) Chapter 7 Pp.203-225, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 1997
Training report on integration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations in the accelerated innovation dissemination initiative in the Great Lakes region - rapid delivery hubs (AID-I GLR) for scaling partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Training report on integration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations in the accelerated innovation dissemination initiative in the Great Lakes region - rapid delivery hubs (AID-I GLR) for scaling partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Liani, M., Kasonia, L., Nyangezi, A.A., Mulumeoderhwa, S., Amato, M., Nabahungu, L., ... & Mignouna, J. (2024). Training report on integration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations in the accelerated innovation dissemination initiative in the Great Lakes region - rapid delivery hubs (AID-I GLR) for scaling partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ibadan: IITA, (35 p.).
Poster / Presentation

Nile Basin Development Challenge: Rainwater Management Systems

Amede, T. 2011. Nile Basin Development Challenge: Rainwater Management Systems. Presented at the opening of the Nile Basin Development Challenge Science and Reflection Workshop, Addis Ababa, 4-6 May 2011. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Online Sources

Mitigate+ at COP28: Let’s talk about non-market approaches, youth in climate action, social equality in low-emission food system development and more!

CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (2023) Mitigate+ at COP28: Let’s talk about non-market approaches, youth in climate action, social equality in low-emission food system development and more!. Blog post. First published online 24 November 2023.