
Making the post-2020 global biodiversity framework a successful tool for building biodiverse, inclusive, resilient and safe food systems for all
Scientific Publication

Making the post-2020 global biodiversity framework a successful tool for building biodiverse, inclusive, resilient and safe food systems for all

Gassner, A., Dobie, P., Vidal, A., Somarriba, E., Pythoud, F., Kumar, C., Laumonier, Y. and Chhatra, A., 2020. Making the post-2020 global biodiversity framework a successful tool for building biodiverse, inclusive, resilient and safe food systems for all. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10): 101001.
Adaptation Actions in Africa: Evidence that Gender Matters
Working Paper

Adaptation Actions in Africa: Evidence that Gender Matters

Twyman J, Green M, Bernier Q, Kristjanson P, Russo S, Tall A, Ampaire E, Nyasimi M, Mango J, McKune S, Mwongera C, and Ndourba, Y. 2014. Adaptation Actions in Africa: Evidence that Gender Matters. CCAFS Working Paper no. 83. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Participatory approach to improve dietary diversity in Vihiga County, Western Kenya
Poster / Presentation

Participatory approach to improve dietary diversity in Vihiga County, Western Kenya

Boedecker J.; Oduor F.; Termote C.; Kennedy G. (2017) Participatory approach to improve dietary diversity in Vihiga County, Western Kenya. Poster presented at 3rd International Congress Hidden Hunger: Post-2015 Agenda and Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG): Where are we now? Strategies to improve nutrition quality and combat hidden hunger. Stuttgart (Germany) March 20-22. 1 p.
Pathways to Women’s Empowerment in the Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture in the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cambodia

Pathways to Women’s Empowerment in the Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture in the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cambodia

Verzosa F, Cabriole MA, Thant PS, Phen B, Itliong K, Myae C, Thong C, Urdelas FG, Naun YW, Moe MZ, Tola C, Barbon WJ, Monville-Oro E, Gonsalves J. 2021. Pathways to Women’s Empowerment in the Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture in the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cambodia. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).