
Fighting drought and aluminum toxicity : Integrating functional genomics phenotypic screening and participatory evaluation with women and small-scale farmers to develop stress-resistant common bean and Brachiaria for the tropics: Final report, reporting period April 2006-March 2010

Fighting drought and aluminum toxicity : Integrating functional genomics phenotypic screening and participatory evaluation with women and small-scale farmers to develop stress-resistant common bean and Brachiaria for the tropics: Final report, reporting period April 2006-March 2010

Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. 2010. Fighting drought and aluminum toxicity : Integrating functional genomics phenotypic screening and participatory evaluation with women and small-scale farmers to develop stress-resistant common bean and Brachiaria for the tropics: Final report, reporting period April 2006-March 2010. CIAT, Cali, CO. 235 p.
Feedback on gender in Africa RISING
Poster / Presentation

Feedback on gender in Africa RISING

Fischer, G. 2015. Feedback on gender in Africa RISING. Presented at the Africa RISING East and Southern Africa Review and Planning Meeting, Malawi, 14-16 July 2015. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) and Scaling of Enset landraces
Poster / Presentation

Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) and Scaling of Enset landraces

Yemataw, Z., Dejene, T., Seid, A., Muzemil, S., Dubale, W. and Mekonnen, K. 2019. Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) and Scaling of Enset landraces. Poster prepared for the Africa RISING Ethiopian Highlands Project Review and Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, 21–22 May 2019. Ethiopia: Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI).
Los cambios mas significativos que los hombres y mujeres identifican en sus vidas a raiz de su articulacion a nuevos canales de comercializacion: Testimonios alrededor de la tunta en Puno

Los cambios mas significativos que los hombres y mujeres identifican en sus vidas a raiz de su articulacion a nuevos canales de comercializacion: Testimonios alrededor de la tunta en Puno

Papa Andina, Lima (Peru). 2011. Los cambios mas significativos que los hombres y mujeres identifican en sus vidas a raiz de su articulacion a nuevos canales de comercializacion: Testimonios alrededor de la tunta en Puno. Lima (Peru). Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-404-4. 12 p.
Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage
Poster / Presentation

Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage

Saroumi, Y. and Kpenavoun, S. 2014. Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage. Poster prepared for the ILRI-CTA African Dairy Value Chain Seminar, Nairobi, Kenya, 21-24 September 2014. Cotonou, Benin: University of Abomey.