
Online Sources

Securing land tenure for women and girls to promote climate change resilience

Chesterman, S.; Bailey, A.; Paez Valencia, A.M. (2022) Securing land tenure for women and girls to promote climate change resilience. [Blog post] CIFOR Forest News. Published 27th April 2022.
A framework for sustainable and inclusive irrigation development in western Nepal

A framework for sustainable and inclusive irrigation development in western Nepal

Urfels, A.; Khadka, Manohara; Shrestha, Nirman; Pavelic, Paul; Risal, A.; Uprety, Labisha; Shrestha, Gitta; Dile, Y.; McDonald, A. J.; Pandey, V. P.; Srinivasan, R.; Krupnik, T. J. 2022. A framework for sustainable and inclusive irrigation development in western Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal: Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA). 78p.
Design elements for gender-responsive breeding: Starting points and unresolved issues
Poster / Presentation

Design elements for gender-responsive breeding: Starting points and unresolved issues

Ashby, Jacqueline. 2017. Design elements for gender-responsive breeding: Starting points and unresolved issues. Presented by Jacqueline Ashby on 21 September 2017, as part of the webinar 'Design elements for gender-responsive breeding'. The webinar was co-organized by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research and the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas. Montpellier: CGIAR Consortium
Análisis de la diversidad genética de papas nativas (Solanum sec. Petota) de la comunidad de Chahuaytire, integrante del Parque de la Papa (Pisaq-Cusco), y de las papas nativas repatriadas por el Centro Internacional de la Papa usando marcadores microsatélites

Análisis de la diversidad genética de papas nativas (Solanum sec. Petota) de la comunidad de Chahuaytire, integrante del Parque de la Papa (Pisaq-Cusco), y de las papas nativas repatriadas por el Centro Internacional de la Papa usando marcadores microsatélites

Rojas, P. 2007. Análisis de la diversidad genética de papas nativas (Solanum sec. Petota) de la comunidad de Chahuaytire, integrante del Parque de la Papa (Pisaq-Cusco), y de las papas nativas repatriadas por el Centro Internacional de la Papa usando marcadores microsatélites. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Repositorio de Tesis – UNMSM.
Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia
Report / Case study

Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. 2019. Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia. Reported in Livestock Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Guatemalas’ Ministry of Agriculture shows the way for a practical incorporation of gender dimensions in the implementation of the CSA regional strategy for Central America
Report / Case study

Guatemalas’ Ministry of Agriculture shows the way for a practical incorporation of gender dimensions in the implementation of the CSA regional strategy for Central America

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2019. Guatemalas’ Ministry of Agriculture shows the way for a practical incorporation of gender dimensions in the implementation of the CSA regional strategy for Central America. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
The Biennial Review is an instrument for triggering policy actions for agricultural transformation. Inclusion of the Africa Food Safety Index will strengthen preparedness, functionality, and performance of food safety systems.

The Biennial Review is an instrument for triggering policy actions for agricultural transformation. Inclusion of the Africa Food Safety Index will strengthen preparedness, functionality, and performance of food safety systems.

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2019. The Biennial Review is an instrument for triggering policy actions for agricultural transformation. Inclusion of the Africa Food Safety Index will strengthen preparedness, functionality, and performance of food safety systems. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2019. Policy.
Gender transformation in climate-smart agriculture: A framework for action
Poster / Presentation

Gender transformation in climate-smart agriculture: A framework for action

Huyer, Sophia. 2018. Gender transformation in climate-smart agriculture: A framework for action. Presented by Sophia Huyer (CCAFS), as part of the Annual Gender Scientific Conference hosted by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Addis Ababa, 25-27 September 2018. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Increasing gender equality in IDRC climate change programming
Report / Case study

Increasing gender equality in IDRC climate change programming

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2019. Increasing gender equality in IDRC climate change programming. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Development and validation of a health and nutrition empowerment module for the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index
Poster / Presentation

Development and validation of a health and nutrition empowerment module for the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index

Heckert, Jessica. 2018. Development and validation of a health and nutrition empowerment module for the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Presented by Jessica Heckert (IFPRI/A4NH), as part of the Annual Gender Scientific Conference hosted by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Addis Ababa, 25-27 September 2018. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute