
Working Paper

Gender-specific approaches, rural institutions and technological innovations

Ragasa, Catherine et al., 'Gender-specific approaches, rural institutions and technological innovations', Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO); International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), Rome, Italy, 2014
Scientific Publication

Women’s status, gender relations, and conditional cash transfers

Adato, Michelle; Roopnaraine, T, 'Women’s status, gender relations, and conditional cash transfers', In Conditional cash transfers in Latin America, ed. M. Adato and J. Hoddinott, Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2010
Scientific Publication

Gender and institutional dimensions of agricultural technology adoption

Ragasa, Catherine, 'Gender and institutional dimensions of agricultural technology adoption', Selected Poster prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil 18-24 August, 2012, International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2012
El manejo de plantas silvestres alimenticias en escenarios de deforestación, ilustrado por una comunidad mestiza de la Amazonía Peruana
Scientific Publication

El manejo de plantas silvestres alimenticias en escenarios de deforestación, ilustrado por una comunidad mestiza de la Amazonía Peruana

Cruz-García, Gisella; Vael, Lore. 2017. El manejo de plantas silvestres alimenticias en escenarios de deforestación, ilustrado por una comunidad mestiza de la Amazonía Peruana . In: Casas, A.; Torres-Guevara, J.; Parra, F. (eds).2017. Domesticación en el continente americano. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) del Perú. 575 p. Lima, PE. p.328-344.
Scientific Publication

Participatory market chains and stakeholder platforms: The papa andina strategy

CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), 'Participatory market chains and stakeholder platforms: The papa andina strategy', In Resources, rights, and cooperation: A sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development, CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi). Changing Market Relations, Chapter 4, Pp. 141-146, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2010
Scientific Publication

L'environnement juridique est-il propice à la gestion inclusive? Le contexte légal de la foresterie communautaire en Afrique centrale

Duclaux-Monteil, C.O.. 2016. L'environnement juridique est-il propice à la gestion inclusive? Le contexte légal de la foresterie communautaire en Afrique centrale In G. Buttoud, J-C. Nguinguiri, (eds.). La gestion inclusive des forêts d'Afrique centrale: Passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs : 81-92. Libreville-Bogor: FAO and CIFOR.